Tag Archives: Thomas Eland

Critically Thinking in a Repressed Society

Thomas Eland exposes the reader to a flawed view that the masses hold towards the freedom of information and media.  He reminds us that we interpret information solely on “internalized filters”. Essentially he is saying that we have internal barriers that prevent us from understanding and expanding on information presented to us though media, such as news and magazines.

Its mind boggling and actually discouraging how in a “free” society, one would have to resort to radical journalism to seek what Eland believes to be as credible information. In addition, its also  bit disturbing to realize that we ave,  basically, monopolies in a world in which laws were created to prevent such a system. Its true that in reality, we don’t have companies that can simply startup in a production. These various production lines are inherently monopolized and prevents any further  companies from entering.