Library Database > Google

When I decided to research my topic, plagiarism, and it’s effects, it came as no surprise to me that what I would find would be two entirely different things. I decided to use my favorite internet search engine, Google, and the scholarly website provided by Professor Leonard, EBSCOhost. I searched on Google first and it came as expectedly, I got results about the definition of ‘plagiarism’. When I searched plagiarism and its effects, I was able to see a bit more. I then used the scholarly search and actually found articles that were relevant to my topic. I was able to find scholarly articles about plagiarism and the effects that correlate to it. However, Google was able to show me some scholarly articles but it had only shown me 6 scholarly articles. When I did the same search, plagiarism and its effects, on EBSCO, there were much more. This hadn’t been a surprising ‘adventure’ mainly because I’ve already tried this in class and found that the leading scholarly search provided me with actually evidence that could be used. Further on, any future research assignments I would not only use Google but instead also use one of the scholarly search engines that the school supplies us with.

1 thought on “Library Database > Google

  1. Kimesha

    I agree that library databases are much more useful than Google itself. I think this has to do with the fact that Google more suits simpler information and the simple user. Not that this is a bad thing but when it comes to more in-depth research and information, it just doesn’t make the cut. One thing about the library databases is that it can throw a lot of sometimes dense information at you all at once. Google can be useful in helping you narrow your search to make get more out of the databases.


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