
Since the 1700s copyright laws have exsisted. Grey also speaks about how the laws have became stricter and more longer, lasting even until the creator passes away.  The question is does these laws restrict us from naturally and freely being creative, are the laws “choking” our creativeness. Lessing passionately speaks about, copyright laws suffocating our thoughts,  and most importantly effecting our future thinkers, our children. Disney and other corporations are protected by these copyright laws. After watching Faden’s production,  I researched Disney and copyrights on Wikipedia. The  Copyright Term Extension Act was lobbied by Disney so much it was nicknamed, the Mickey Mouse Protection Act. Even educators and learners are feeling the effects of copyright laws because some teachers do not want to be sued. Center for Social Media’s document shows the collection of facts to take into account with fair use in the education system. All this leaves me to think, is our creative right being hindered?


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