Welcome to Design VI

We will be meeting every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm SHARP to 9:45PM. We will be using the entire class time and lots of work will be done during this time and outside of class.

A little information:

The course will demand a lot of work and time. You will be required to be present for the entire class as there will be assignments done during class and lectures and presentations throughout the class. There will be group work and individual work. 

You will be using: 

MIRO www.miro.com, Create an account if you do not have one already.

Openlab https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/levratarch3612sp21/  – go to the site and familiarize yourself with the content.

Zoom  – so make sure you have access with camera and mic

Prof Levrat will be the main Professor and Prof Jill will be teaching the UrbanPlan element during the first six classes.

The first six meetings we will be beginning our research for our one and only project – precedent zoning studies, Site Analysis and Inventory, along with a warm-up project called UrbanPlan. I will be leading the UrbanPlan project that will be working with a lot of outside critiques and guest visitors. It is a fun, urban development competition, that you will compete against one another in teams.

We have a few things that must be completed before we begin class on Tuesday, February 2nd.

  1. Finish the Intro Miro Board https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lW5znjg=/
  2. Answer the questions on the UrbanPlan Miro board – https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lWl7F4M=/
  3. Have a photo ready of yourself that you will be using for the entire semester

Join Zoom Meeting


Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday at 6pm!!

Prof Jill and Prof Levrat

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