Category Archives: Reflection

Pre-visit reflection

n advance of our visit to the Farragut Houses, what are your thoughts on the visit and the observation and documentation you’ll be doing? What do you feel excited or nervous about? What do you imagine you’ll discover or learn about?

I haven’t heard of the Farragut houses before today and I walk around New York a lot, I’m also learning more about my city during tours with my company at Gray line New York City Sightseeing , where the tour guys really know there history of New York. I’m excited to find out more about this past of Brooklyn I love the details in the old buildings.  I lived in projects before and I know a bunch of friends and family members who also live in the projects.  So I doubt I’ll be surprise with what we see, but who knows because all projects locations are not the same,  some projects are really clean and the neighbors are nice and some really aren’t. I haven’t been to this location before but I’m excited to find out something new. I hope we find out the actual meaning of the projects because I tried to do some research and got stuck with the story about the immigrants moving to NYC. My drating skills are pretty alright,  I’m excited to see what we end up drawing and learning today.

Anna Ye’s Pre-Site Visit Reflection

In advance of our visit to the Farragut Houses, what are your thoughts on the visit and the observation and documentation you’ll be doing?  What do you feel excited or nervous about? What do you imagine you’ll discover or learn about?

When I think of the word, The Projects, a couple things come to mind- shady or unsafe, crime, low-income. These are all negative connotations, which to be fair was influenced by society. Truthfully, I was quite surprised that our first site visit was going to be public housing, the Farragut Houses. However, through several in-class exercises, including Professor Montgomery’s inspirational story of his time in Rome and Italy, I am beginning to understand the underlying purpose in the course. I am excited that my first “careful observation” sketching experience will be of something a little more unusual.

From how the street conditions are like, to the residents, to the general vibe of the Farragut Housing neighborhood, I know this experience will help me appreciate the tiniest details that we often overlook and to question, to dig deeper into understanding its connection with each other.

Pre-Site Visit Reflection

I have never heard of the Farragut Housing building before this class nor have I ever been to any low income housing. I am not very familiar with Brooklyn, so my mind is open on what to expect. Since it is the projects, I don’t expect to see very many exciting things, but I hope to capture some important observations that will help my research. I am excited to learn about the history of the buildings, and why they are they way they are now. I am not very good at drawing, but I will do my best, and take pictures to capture my observations.

Pre Visit Reflection

this is the first time i heard about Farragut housing. since i never know what it looks like, i tried to google it earlier just to get an idea how it looks like before i really go visit the place tomorrow morning. When i saw the images, it similar with what i thought in my mind, how it looks like, such as the buildings, and some greens surrounding the buildings. i think this observation that we are going to do will be very interesting. The thing that i am curious about is more to the people who lives there. How they socialize to each other, and i might discover some information that can expand my knowledge about project housings in New York City. In addition, i a little bit scared about the drawing that we have to do tomorrow, but besides that, i cannot want to do it, and see the result of my first drawing.


Pre-Visit Reflection

I think this should be an interesting visit. I’ve been by the Farragut housing buildings, but this would be the first time i’d be going specifically to observe the building and to document those observations. I’m not necessarily excited about this trip, but my curious side is intrigued at the prospect of attentively inspecting the Farragut Houses and possibly revealing some information about it I would never have been able to reveal otherwise. I don’t want to presume to know exactly what I would discover at the site, but based on what little knowledge I have about project buildings I’m not too optimistic about the conditions.