- The second test is at 4:00pm to 5:45pm on Thursday 11/24/2021. The WeBWorK file closes officially at 5:45, but you will have until 6pm to submit written solutions to me.
- I will be in the Zoom classroom to handle any questions. It is a very good idea to log in anyway in the event you have a question.
60% Written Solutions
- All work is your own. No collaboration.
- Only methods that have been discussed in class or are in your textbook will be allowed to be used.
- All other methods will be ignored.
- Only methods that have been discussed in class or are in your textbook will be allowed to be used.
- Be sure to practice creating PDF files of all your work. I will not accept work in improper format.
- multiple pages on the file for all the work (How to use the DropBox App for this purpose.)
- PhotoID card atop 1st page (DON’T COVER ANY WORK!)
- Filename: Lastname_Firstname_Test3.pdf
- examples of proper format (w/ students’ consent)
- Submit to this DROPBOX REQUEST LINK.
- Any submission after the 6:00pm will not be accepted. This is a hard cutoff the moment 5:59:59 becomes 6:00:00
- Online programs like MathWay, Photomath, etc. are banned. (Automatic 0 + Faculty Action Report on your Academic Record if I recognize usage of the program)
10% WeBWorK submission.
- Go on Homework Sets -> Test 3 .
- Be sure to write all solutions and SHOW ALL WORK on separate sheets of paper.
- *DO NOT SUBMIT unless you’ve answered ALL QUESTIONS!*
- You have 2 graded opportunities. This is in the event you need to fix a typo on WeBWorK. The second time you click Grade test will be the final submission
- WeBWorK questions will instantly cut off at 5:45pm on the 7th.
Oral Defense (Up to 30% of your test score)
- Until 12/2
- Sign up here
- Timeslots in blue and green represent other Zoom locations I will be in.
- No interview will be granted without a written solutions submitted.
- Be prepared to discuss three questions from the test. The quality of your answers will determine the remaining portion of your grade.
- If you do not interview, you will lose the points you could have had.
- e.g. If you scored 90% average on the written portion of the test, then you will receive only 63% as a grade without the interview since the WeBWorK and the Written Work for the test count as 70% of the overall test.