Research Projects

Oral Cancer Screening.

The use of new technology to assist Oral Cancer Screening.

Wellness Fair NYCCT, 2014.

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in 2014 we were assigned to conduct some research on any topic of our interest related to our field. I wanted to focus my research on prevention of Oral cancer.

Unfortunately, oral cancer oftentimes goes undetected during its earliest stages, because no clinical sign or symptoms are observed.  Once it is discovered during the later stages, there is a minor 50% five-year survival rate.  Even though the frequency of oral cancer is estimated to be very low, 25% of people with oral cancer have no known risk factors for it.  Therefore, it is essential for dental professionals to educate their patients about oral cancer in order for them to make decisions about their health.  Traditionally, the screening of patients for oral cancer signs have counted on the conventional exam.  The VELscope (Visually Enhanced Lesion Scope), a new handheld technology has been designed to detect precancerous and cancerous lesions in the oral cavity.  Although is not meant to replace traditional professional oral screening, is considered an adjunct.