COMD3504 - Section OL10 - Spring 2021

Month: May 2021 (Page 6 of 6)

Group Discussion

Do you have a topic in mind for your presentation?

  • Futurism

What sort of design would you like to address, ie. graphic, industrial, architectural, advertising, etc.?

  • Architecture

Is there an ad, a design project, or the work of a particular designer that has recently been inspiring to you?

  • Ma Yansong

Have you completed any recent design projects that were particularly exciting or interesting? If so, did you view any examples or samples of related design work? 

  • I found Ma yansong, while I was working on an ad campaign for immigrants. His work stood out to me, his craft is rather unique. As a student of this class it interests me to think about his style and his design and possibly who inspired him or who he thinks similarly to from the reading we did in class. 

 Which readings from this class have you found to be the most relevant or resonant?

  • Most of the reading on futurism. Including designers like; Aleksander Rodchenko, Müller-Brockmann, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, El Lissitzky and Karl Gerstner.

5/3 assignment

Business culture relies upon the robbery of protected innovation for its occupation. Mass advertisers take thoughts from visionaries, change them marginally on the off chance that by any means, reissue them to people in general as new items. In the process what was once guerilla becomes product, and what was at one time the stun of the new turns into the shlock of the novel. Perpetually, early articulations of sub-or elective societies are the most fruitful testing grounds, as their distributions or zines are quick to be stolen. Perpetually, pioneers of extremist structure become wellsprings for allotment. Resistance of any sort breeds devotees, and numerous adherents become a segment. according to heller. with my designer paula scher pentagram library was collect things and pushing environemntal graphics. the way it shows into mainstream it shows the library culture and us history. the odd event when a properly basic article shows up, (one that doesn’t guarantee that the writer’s 6 year old little girl might have made a superior showing with planning a logo), at that point visual computerization as a control isn’t referenced. Take this report from November 2019 about Facebook’s rebrand, which covers the subjects of typography, shading, semiotics and visual personality. In the post’s class labels, innovation and business are referenced, however visual communication and typography are definitely not. it seems that mainstream sounds very updated compared to hellers claim. in modern day social media has been domininating the mainstream cause it is not considered underground. logos show the elements combined that designers can put together through a progress,”Social media now affects all facets of business – from marketing to end customer support and everything in between. Social media is where you see product and service feedback. Social media is where you learn what your customers like… and don’t like. And it’s the quickest way to build brand recognition within your target market”.

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