According to the authors, design should play an innovative role in society. One where the designers of the world are the middlemen tasked with producing good communication between society and design/art to the best of their ability. Designers in today’s world should be able to evolve with the current culture of the world without losing their innate aesthetic sense. When they are designing something, they take into consideration society and how best their design is going to impact/work within their society (enhancing it). The authors believe that designers should take a step back from what it means to be an artist in the old days and that they should be flexible enough to be able to supply on demand for their neighbours.
The field of design is distinguished from other creative occupations because being a designer entails a whole lot more than only being creative. Although the creative aspect is important, designers are somewhat designers/ engineers at the same time. Figuring out the best way to communicate with society via the design along with keeping an eye out for the needs of society. As a designer one has to take into consideration how their design is going to work in the world and how it will impact society (whether it is enhancing society’s culture in a positive light).
Designers should concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions because this is what it takes to push the current generation/culture to the next level. Technology plays a major role in shaping design. Technology made it possible for many artists to be able to showcase their work how they felt they wanted to. It also made it easier for young designers to become inspired all around the world. With the advancement of technology design/ designers of the world were able to grow with it (always advancing).
Because the world is always evolving and designers are often tasked as the ones to maintain the standard of culture, staying hip to their surroundings and what is going on in society is significant to a designer. New styles/ new cultural advancements can be one of the urgent problems for a designer if they are not keeping up to date. With the fast pace of technology, designers that do not evolve with the culture can be at the short end of the stick; being the ones to fix problems of the world and to make the accessibility of products most effective. Moreover, when a designer is up to date/ in sync with society and its culture they will be able to solve the new problems of the world that the generation before us did not have to deal with. Which I believe is a task they enjoy.
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