14:26:23 From Angel Diaz : I'm not sure why my mic isn't working 14:26:50 From Angel Diaz : head piece 14:26:53 From Angel Diaz : like yours 14:27:14 From Angel Diaz : definitely not apple 14:27:26 From Angel Diaz : target cheap 10$ 14:28:35 From Angel Diaz : I haven't but I could try that 14:29:50 From Mark Gutiérrez : Yes 14:29:52 From Angel Diaz : I can hear mic 14:29:55 From Angel Diaz : and he hears me 14:30:01 From Angel Diaz : I think it's you 14:30:03 From Mark Gutiérrez : But seems like you can’t hear us 14:30:07 From Giovanna Qu : Hello 14:30:09 From Giovanna Qu : I can hear everyone 14:30:14 From Angel Diaz : yes 14:30:25 From Giovanna Qu : yes 14:32:01 From Giovanna Qu : so cuuute 14:32:50 From Nick Mohan : hello Professor! 14:33:55 From Shylin Ferrera : Dog photos for the positive vibes 14:34:50 From Lissette Valentin : omg your dog has a lamb chop toy 😍 14:35:16 From Shylin Ferrera : My dog has 2 lamb chop toys, she’s obsessed :) lol 14:35:28 From Cara Schmidt : omg 14:35:37 From Shylin Ferrera : She hugs them as she slips 14:36:06 From Shylin Ferrera : sleeps* 14:36:12 From Sandra Jarro : I hav lost many shoes to my dog 😭 14:37:13 From Shylin Ferrera : Trump saying he won the election when projections say otherwise, votes haven’t been fully counting, and ballots going missing is insane 14:37:56 From Darwin Cruz : Bernie called it 14:38:51 From Cara Schmidt : I had CNN on today and watching with my husband, and this lady had an interview and it was just questions about the counting and stuff, and then it ended and we decided to look at Fox lmao, and the same lady was doing an interview and they asked her about fraud and other stuff like that and she was like I’m not even going to respond to that, that’s insulting to local electors who are doing the counting etc etc. So funny to see the difference between the two channels. 14:40:16 From Shylin Ferrera : Same 14:40:18 From Angel Diaz : no it is stressful and scary. I agree 14:40:25 From Shylin Ferrera : Honestly horrifying 14:40:46 From Sandra Jarro : yes I agree and it’s crazy all the support he gets 14:40:56 From Angel Diaz : especially with how his supporters have been lately over the internet. threatening the country if he loses 14:41:00 From Brenda Morales : also hearing how alot of votes are being rejected 14:41:13 From Shylin Ferrera : Not only an accused rapist but could put those accusations to rest if he provided a DNA sample yet refuses to do so 14:42:11 From Shylin Ferrera : I despise the idea of “I like him because he’s real” heard toooo many people say that 14:46:58 From Shylin Ferrera : Exactly 14:47:19 From Shylin Ferrera : YES 14:47:37 From Shylin Ferrera : A great book 14:51:50 From Shylin Ferrera : Idolization of political figures is scary 14:52:20 From Shylin Ferrera : Its akin to a cult at this point 14:55:04 From Zhanae Dale : lol lots of wine 14:55:10 From Zhanae Dale : cheers 14:55:13 From Lissette Valentin : all the wine! 14:55:14 From Shylin Ferrera : Sparkling apple juice 14:56:35 From Shylin Ferrera : No word form Pennsylvania yet ? 14:57:41 From Shylin Ferrera : The anxiety! I need more apple juice 14:57:51 From Shylin Ferrera : I am 21… 14:58:05 From Sally Ruan : only apple juice for me 14:58:07 From Shylin Ferrera : Lol 14:58:11 From Angel Diaz : lol 14:59:26 From Brenda Morales : im just hearing alot about rejected ballots and how some failed to mail 14:59:59 From Shylin Ferrera : Yes like 127,000 15:03:05 From Angel Diaz : I didn't see that 15:03:11 From Zhanae Dale : No just heard about it 15:06:07 From Angel Diaz : waaaat?! 15:06:37 From Angel Diaz : I'm just shocked by that news lol 15:12:22 From Brenda Morales to Matthew Lange (Privately) : Proffesor i dont think i can take notes for the class today. Zoom keeps reloading the class for me and the audio is bad 15:16:18 From Angel Diaz : I'll be honest, had a headache reading it 15:16:42 From Giovanna Qu : What is the code that he talks about? 15:16:47 From Angel Diaz : ye!!! 15:16:48 From Angel Diaz : yes 15:16:52 From Angel Diaz : the code 15:19:15 From Angel Diaz : so every image has a hidden message behind the real meaning? 15:20:02 From Angel Diaz : yeah makes sense 15:21:55 From Angel Diaz : kinda reminds how cartoon sometime slide in adult jokes but for a childrens. only to find out years later. 15:28:22 From Coretta Cato : Hi professor. sorry I'm late 15:30:07 From Shylin Ferrera : NOTES: IN REGARDS TO THE HOMEWORK Everything is coded, not the same as a subliminal message. In essence, everything does that, all images are coded were we are actively registering whether we know something are not. We're always interpreting and understanding, using our own prior knowledge of the world and fact. These codes are messages we absorb without even realizing we are absorbing it. Most messages aren’t hidden, they are -inherently-coded. It's only hidden because we are not consciously aware of it. The code delivers a message be it outright or not (subtle). Using inference and prior knowledge, we may be able to register the code within our own reasoning. Ex: An adult's mind may be more attuned to certain codes than a child. Such as adult -messages- hidden in children's programs. Every picture is just how you interpret it is wrong. No Image is completely open to interpretation. Our understanding of Images is completely conditioned by our own cultural and social understanding. 15:33:03 From Shylin Ferrera : NOTES: IN REGARDS TO THE HOMEWORK Linguistic sign: not a thing and a name but a concept and a sound image Signifier (word / image that gives meaning) + Signified (Mental concept) = Sign (anything that conveys meaning) 15:33:13 From Zhanae Dale : yes 15:35:39 From Shylin Ferrera : NOTES: IN REGARDS TO THE HOMEWORK Signifier ex: diamond Signified ex: Wealth and romance Sign ex: Proposing with a diamond ring because you share romantic feelings are retain wealth 15:38:30 From Giovanna Qu : linguistic message, coded iconic message, non coded iconic message 15:40:42 From Angel Diaz : the text and name of the product? 15:43:12 From Zhanae Dale : Connotational? 15:43:13 From Angel Diaz : inventory? like the items say a message 15:46:41 From Shylin Ferrera : NOTES: IN REGARDS TO THE HOMEWORK 3 messages in regards to Panzani Image -Linguistic Message -Coded Iconic Message -Non-coded Iconic Message The Linguistic message is the Text and the name of the product. Is it denotational or connotational? Denotational is the literal meaning = yellow Connotational is the association, be it positive or negative, of a word= yellow is happy 15:47:18 From Zhanae Dale : Lol swore it said “italiancity” 15:47:39 From Zhanae Dale : lol no more wine while reading 15:48:00 From Zhanae Dale : lol 15:50:07 From Coretta Cato : yea 15:50:10 From Sandra Jarro : yes 15:50:17 From Angel Diaz : yeah, somewhat starting to make sense 15:51:29 From Angel Diaz : baffled 15:51:34 From Zhanae Dale : totally baffled 15:51:40 From Giovanna Qu : anchorage like different meanings 15:51:42 From Angel Diaz : dumb founded 15:54:20 From Giovanna Qu : you figure out that it’s an ad 15:55:14 From Matthew Lange : En abyme 15:55:27 From Shylin Ferrera to Matthew Lange (Privately) : Professor I apologize, I have to Step out early. A family emergency just came up and I have to run out 15:56:38 From Coretta Cato : for relay I think it'll mean to receive or pass a message? 15:56:54 From Darwin Cruz : I think he said relay can be found in cartoons and comic strips, (dialogue) 15:56:57 From Coretta Cato : I remember that word from my old art history class 15:59:46 From Zhanae Dale : yea 15:59:59 From Dasom Kim : yes 16:09:58 From Giovanna Qu : here 16:10:02 From Angel Diaz : yes 16:10:06 From Dasom Kim : yes 16:10:08 From Zhanae Dale : yea 16:10:11 From andre mercharles : yesa 16:10:12 From Angel Diaz : sounds clear and fine 16:12:27 From Giovanna Qu : I would but my internet keeps cutting on and off uggh 16:13:09 From Angel Diaz : I would as well but I'm on mobile and note taking won't be easy 16:14:12 From Zhanae Dale : Is it the actual image itself? 16:14:14 From Giovanna Qu : food 16:14:20 From Darwin Cruz : dinner time 16:14:23 From Angel Diaz : fresh ingredients? 16:15:12 From Dasom Kim : freshness or ready together 16:22:56 From Zhanae Dale : yes 16:22:57 From Dasom Kim : Yes 16:23:00 From Angel Diaz : so non coded is what makes up the image basics? 16:23:28 From Sandra Jarro : all signs that are floating in the image 16:26:32 From Coretta Cato : yes 16:27:45 From Zhanae Dale : Is it the symbolic message 16:27:49 From Dasom Kim : Oh.. 16:30:00 From Nick Mohan : I can attest that statement about in photography props are placed for specific reason 16:30:10 From Nick Mohan : a^ 16:43:30 From Zhanae Dale : the brand hermes 16:43:32 From Angel Diaz : the text and the product name 16:44:23 From Giovanna Qu : lipstick is anchorage 16:44:28 From Dasom Kim : Box and the text ‘orange’? 16:44:33 From Mark Gutiérrez : Paris 16:46:53 From Cara Schmidt : Hermes is made by hand in france 16:52:01 From Angel Diaz : the women, the product and her lips? 16:52:29 From Darwin Cruz : sunlight? 16:52:35 From Angel Diaz : the wall, her clothing 16:53:00 From Giovanna Qu : the cropping of the frame 16:53:15 From Angel Diaz : it can be anyone's hand 16:53:52 From Giovanna Qu : If her lips weren’t there it would probably harder to tell that it’s for a lipstick 16:54:04 From Dasom Kim : I agree 16:54:52 From Dasom Kim : yes 16:54:55 From Angel Diaz : agree, 16:55:21 From Giovanna Qu : The color choice, everything is kinda mute compared to the orange box and red lips 16:55:29 From Mark Gutiérrez : Aesthetics 16:59:08 From Angel Diaz : eye lashes? 16:59:44 From Zhanae Dale : coded message could be modern 16:59:52 From Coretta Cato : her face looks natrual 17:02:53 From Zhanae Dale : yes 17:02:56 From Coretta Cato : 👌 17:03:00 From Angel Diaz : clear 17:05:51 From Zhanae Dale : Bye guys stay positive and relaxed 17:06:18 From Coretta Cato : thanks you too 17:06:37 From Dasom Kim : Have a good night! 17:06:54 From Angel Diaz : alright sounds easy enough, I hope everyone had a good night and stay healthy 17:07:11 From Angel Diaz : alright