14:30:30 From Sally Ruan : Hello 14:31:05 From Sally Ruan : College students never had veterans day off 14:31:25 From Zhanae Dale : Lol I thought we did 14:32:37 From Sally Ruan : Yeah its a Friday schedule 14:32:39 From Giovanna Qu : Yes friday schedule 14:32:48 From Zhanae Dale : yayy 14:35:10 From charles metellus : yup 14:35:19 From Angel Diaz : could be better 14:35:20 From Zhanae Dale : Yeah I guess we can just get it over with…. Agreed 14:35:27 From Mark Gutiérrez : Huge relief to finish the second paper 14:35:35 From Zhanae Dale : Yes 14:36:11 From Angel Diaz : I'm alright just all these things popping up around us and my group project from another class doesn't help 14:37:26 From charles metellus : can i go next week 14:37:28 From Brenda Morales : will we send our presentations to you so you can share them? our will we have to screen share? 14:37:29 From charles metellus : im down 14:47:32 From Angel Diaz : so the presentation is similar to the first essay but more in the style of a power point? 14:51:01 From Angel Diaz : makes sense, might have more questions about this after class of anything comes up 14:54:19 From Zhanae Dale : no not yet 14:54:21 From Angel Diaz : I have some options but been unsure 14:57:25 From Sandra Jarro to Matthew Lange (Privately) : hi proffessor sorry we’re I am My service lacking 14:57:46 From Sally Ruan : Hi can I use chat 14:57:53 From Sandra Jarro to Matthew Lange (Privately) : I can’t here I will try to log back in again 14:57:57 From Sally Ruan : Yes it was fine 14:58:03 From Sally Ruan : I saw a Halloween pepsi ad on from a tweet and decided to use it 14:58:08 From Sandra Jarro to Matthew Lange (Privately) : hear* 14:58:28 From Sally Ruan : Yes it was very interesting, it was pepsi dressed as coca cola 14:58:30 From Sally Ruan : for halloween 14:58:40 From Sally Ruan : Yeah 14:58:43 From Angel Diaz : I was debating on that one to be honest 14:58:50 From Angel Diaz : yeah 15:23:23 From Brenda Morales : for my paper i went through some fashion magazines and picked a Vivienne westwood advert/campaign pic. sometimes when i analyse an image(even if its the purpose of the paper) i get worried that I'm just repeating myself alot or that im stretching out the meaning 15:31:22 From Angel Diaz : sugar lol 15:36:45 From Giovanna Qu : ah yes i saw that 15:36:55 From Angel Diaz : I think it was interesting to learn that the expression good design came into usage around 1940. and yeah I saw the chat 15:37:01 From Coretta Cato : Oh cool I never noticed that 15:39:15 From Angel Diaz : wasn't it to like kinda actually to be able to tell what was the best design? 15:42:39 From Angel Diaz : this feels like the first way to show case ideas to get bought and noticed for those to want and demand 15:45:54 From Angel Diaz : I have some memories of what he's done 15:46:03 From Angel Diaz : I recall he's done IBM 15:46:08 From Sally Ruan : yes 15:46:09 From Zhanae Dale : yes 15:46:13 From Giovanna Qu : yes 15:46:13 From Cara Schmidt : yep 15:46:16 From Giovanna Qu : yes 15:46:53 From Brenda Morales : modernity & modernism -important moment in time for design, starts becoming accessible -the idea that you can view these designs in museums -following a string of exhibitions they opened up the MoMa store, expensive but good looking and functional -shifted gears during the war they would offer items that were effective during war time -this also reinforces the ideas from bruno munari: good looking functional item 15:46:53 From Sally Ruan : ups 15:47:11 From Angel Diaz : yale 15:47:24 From Coretta Cato : abc? 15:50:50 From Angel Diaz : the relationship between the show and Paul rands work? 15:50:53 From Coretta Cato : state the question again plz 15:51:31 From Giovanna Qu : design with purpose 15:51:48 From Sally Ruan : good design 15:53:29 From Sally Ruan : I remember he said something about seeing what trained and untrained designers could produce 15:54:44 From Angel Diaz : which is interesting since today designers go through teachings 15:55:07 From Brenda Morales : -Paul Rands work is discussed -american designs starts turning toward a corporate perspective -this is a shift, american and European designers start working for giant corporate entities -as a designer they have to give you the authority and confidence to be in charge of the corporations image -(design under $10) is an important thing that Paul Rand has brought up and was interested in(question asked:why was this important? what makes it good design?) Paul Rand is interested in things that stands out, this overarching ethos, hes interested in these objects because they will improve you life, designers should be living this improved life 15:56:14 From Angel Diaz : yes 16:06:52 From Giovanna Qu : Here 16:06:54 From Sally Ruan : yes 16:08:11 From Giovanna Qu : Nice couch 16:08:28 From Giovanna Qu : For a old person 16:08:31 From Zhanae Dale : lol 16:08:40 From Giovanna Qu : Looks comfy 16:09:01 From Giovanna Qu : No 16:09:08 From Zhanae Dale : Think my grandpa has one 16:09:13 From Darwin Cruz : ill sit on the floor 16:11:28 From Brenda Morales : [shown: a chair] -would you want one of these? -according to Paul Rand beauty is built by needs and function -uglyness is not a product of bad market reasearch but bad ideas of design 16:14:32 From Giovanna Qu : The functionality of this chair seems limited. Like I don’t know if it would be comfortable to sit with this chair while eating at a table 16:14:44 From Mark Gutiérrez : Takes less space I guess 16:14:47 From Brenda Morales : [black chair is shown] this is the chair Paul Rand prefers if its good design it will be minimal with clean lines, and should be comfortable (do you think its a better design than the last chair?) 16:14:53 From Sally Ruan : it feels unsafe 16:15:11 From Cara Schmidt : It looks uncomfortable but could also secretly be comfortable? 16:15:26 From Zhanae Dale : I say it depends on person 16:15:30 From Mark Gutiérrez : Beware of your spine long term 16:15:43 From Cara Schmidt : Aesthetic is nicer than the last one for me 16:15:51 From Brenda Morales : i think it depends on which room its used for? 16:21:42 From Brenda Morales : -it might be the point, if its well designed it uses the minimal while being functional and comfortable -paul rand talks about/quotes "the aims are to take cultural responsibility" your surroundings shape your design sensibility -there was an auction house that was selling things from paul rands house after he passed: he kept things for refrences 16:22:03 From Brenda Morales : [Shown: eye charts] 16:24:36 From Brenda Morales : [shown: pitcher and abacus as more things in his house] 16:25:54 From Brenda Morales : [shown:bahlsen crackers ads/designs] paul rand says this shows how a relationship between a designer and an executive/ceo can create a great design 16:26:07 From charles metellus : yeah 16:26:20 From Giovanna Qu : It’s in the designers code of ethics I think 16:26:31 From Brenda Morales : as a designer you should 100% believe in what you do and the product you're working with 16:27:59 From Giovanna Qu : I think one should work for companies that they care about, not just for a salary if you can 16:28:27 From Brenda Morales : -its similar and different to code of ethics, paul rand pushes it more by saying your day should be built around what designs you want to create 16:30:47 From Brenda Morales : -this whole mentality of an all inclusive design: is it agreeable to you? like if you get a new apartment and you change it to your view, is it a good idea? 16:32:12 From Giovanna Qu : I feel that if you get too comfortable with the usual, you get stuck in your own world 16:32:22 From Giovanna Qu : And don’t develop as a person or desinge r 16:32:31 From Giovanna Qu : *designer 16:32:53 From Angel Diaz : yeah that I agree with giovanna 16:33:51 From Giovanna Qu : I had older design professors who are stuck in their youth, so when they judge newer designs they don’t accept it 16:34:58 From Giovanna Qu : It also prevents creative work for the students which are the designers of tomorrow 16:35:08 From Giovanna Qu : *creative develoopement 16:37:35 From Angel Diaz : looks so empty 16:37:36 From Brenda Morales : answers -this idea and set of goals might be hard for a designer to get, and could be confused for arrogance -you could get locked in to a certain style of design or to only what you know -your ways might also be a product of ideas that aren't acceptable to others -you should discipline yourself to be the best you can be, to declutter yourself -a plurality of voices can shed a new light -the Bauhaus chair is a good design but it isnt the only good design 16:39:37 From Brenda Morales : -there was a class of architects going to a trip to las vegas to view the architecture, which is interesting because it was considered bad architecture 16:40:38 From Angel Diaz : it's all over the place in the way the buildings look. they all feel like they came from different parts of the worlds and just slapped on a strip of land 16:40:56 From Brenda Morales : architects were studying high modern architecture but the proffesors wanted to show las vegas architecture -(what can we learn from las vegas architecture?) 16:42:51 From Brenda Morales : -their idea was that you can go and try to withhold judgment, and to stop thinking about it with the terms you learn architecture 16:44:27 From Brenda Morales : -you need to view the things you consider "bad design" think about why is it still being consumed what is its purpose? -mordern architecture as we know it promotes this message of beauty and functionality 16:44:54 From Brenda Morales : [shown:egyptian columns] 16:45:34 From Brenda Morales : [shown: giotto chapel] 16:45:59 From Brenda Morales : -the purpose was to communicate a message and story 16:46:17 From Giovanna Qu : Milan 16:46:32 From Giovanna Qu : Piazza del Duomo 16:46:50 From Brenda Morales : [shown: italian public square^] 16:47:23 From Brenda Morales : it incorporates the town into it's message 16:48:24 From Brenda Morales : -although modern architecture doesnt seem to follow this, it does but the message is subtle. las vegas makes the message clear 16:48:47 From Coretta Cato : oh wow 😂 16:48:49 From Brenda Morales : [shown: duck near store] 16:49:03 From Angel Diaz : was not expecting that at all, I am feeling just stunned 16:49:07 From Giovanna Qu : This is great 16:49:25 From Brenda Morales : [the duck is the building] 16:50:46 From Brenda Morales : -the medium is the message -sometimes the message overwhelms the architecture itself 16:51:08 From Coretta Cato : wait so this duck store is like a diner that serves duck? I ask becuase I see a menu on the coner 16:51:13 From Brenda Morales : [shown:big doughnut building] 16:52:11 From Brenda Morales : -the idea of the duck and the decorated shed -the doughnut building is a decorated shed 16:54:14 From Brenda Morales : -the communicative message is more important than the building itself -this is what most architecture does today -you no longer look at the building but the sign itself 16:55:16 From Brenda Morales : the signs are the architecture -thats what you see with their trip in las vegas 16:56:21 From Angel Diaz : sounds like every sign in LA 16:57:30 From Brenda Morales : [shown:physiognomy of casino billboard sign] 16:58:49 From Brenda Morales : [Shown: imagery of asphalt/undeveloped space/parked cars] 16:59:55 From Brenda Morales : -to study design in a non judgemental way can help us study its purpose 17:01:38 From Brenda Morales : look at your topic of your presentation in relation to underground mainstream 17:02:38 From Zhanae Dale : Bye guys have a great day 17:02:43 From Sally Ruan : byee 17:02:49 From charles metellus : bye