COMD3504 - Section OL01 - Fall 2020

Category: Uncategorized (Page 7 of 19)

Assignment 9


– agglutinations

–  rudimentary

–  priori

– connotation

– innumerable

– alimentary

– Signified, Signifer

–  imbued with euphoric values

– arbitrary

–  quasi-identity        

– anthropological

– linguistic sign

– denoted


– anchorage and relay

-polysemous; polysemy

– nomenclature


– diegetic

– paradigmatic




– asyndeton


Questions on the essay meaning

 What defines the third message is precisely that the relation between signified and signifier is quasi-tautological ??? (page 154, 2nd paragraph)

What does it mean to be concerned themselves with the relations between figure and discourse (page 155 2nd paragraph)

 Since it is both evictive and sufficient, it will be understood that from an aesthetic point of view the denoted image can appear as a kind of Edenic state of the image; cleared utopianically of its connotations, the image would become radically objective, or, in the last analysis, innocent. ?? (pg 158)

The denoted word never refers to an essence for it is always caught up in a contingent utterance, a continuous syntagm (that of verbal discourse), oriented towards a certain practical transitivity of language; the seme “plenty,” on the contrary, is a concept in a pure state, cut off from any syntagm, deprived of any context and corresponding to a sort of theatrical state of meaning, or, better (since it is a question of a sign without a syntagm), to an exposed meaning. ??? ( pg 161)

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