Required Tools: Camera, clamp light, modifiers
Location: Inside, workspace with table
Duration: 60 minutes

The goal for this week is to explore some of the ways that artificial light can be used in a studio setting. We will use very simple tools to examine the way that the arrangement of light sources can affect the quality of light in an image.

Take a number of photographs using various configurations of a single light source.

You should arrange a number of objects on a tabletop or flat surface, away from any natural light. Find a stable place for your camera, with an interesting vantage point toward the arranged objects. Position your clamp light in different places to alter the appearance of the image. Try shooting with the light directly in front of, or directly above the objects. Try to set it behind or below. Use paper or fabric to diffuse the light. Use white or black flags to bounce or restrict light.

Shoot at least 20-30 images and upload them to Flickr. Share your best 3-4 with our group. Create a new post in our OpenLab course with your best images.