Monthly Archives: October 2018

Learning Log #3

I believe this is my best shot from the street photography assignment. This was one of the last shots I took walking back to the school. The main idea of this assignment was to be brave by shooting subjects at times without their knowledge but also being bold enough to ask permission to take a shot. Another thing i discovered about this assignment was being patient enough to wait for the perfect moment and being aware of when that moment comes. Finally, I really loved that this photo has a classic New York street attitude.

Learning Log 4

Model Emmanuel
The way I got this shot, was having the reflector to left side of the model and reflect the flash, so the light would hit the model’s face. I light how the light created his expression to have a aggressive look because of the light. I like how the pose of the model also goes along with it as well. Even if I didn’t know this picture came out like this, Still like how it came out at the very end.

Learning Log 4

Above I took this picture and I love this one because of the dramatic effects it had to it from the shadow on one side, and then you get the light from the flash on the other side. This picture looks like it’s telling a story with hardly any edits.