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Portrait light _2


AT this class we learned the types of lighting set up, using 3 type lighting and 2 point lighting. Setting the light is very important for the lighting off the subject. My favorite is 3 point lighting of hair and edge lighting. Although I prefer to use butterfly lighting for flatering  typer of light for shooting girls


3 point lighting with background lighting


Butterfly lighing (2 point lighting set up)

Edge lighting

3 point lighting with hair light

Portrait Lighting




Lighting makes every picture different. Split makes a picture more dramatic in my opinion because half of the persons face is half light and half shadow. Rembrandt is half the face lit up and creates a little triangle of light on the other light. Broad is the whole face lit up; short is when the face is lit to the side and is furthest from the light. Loop is a little edge of shadow coming off from the nose. Unfortunately, I do not have short or loop portraits.







For the lighting practice, it was interesting to see how it can influence a photo. I used A fast shutter speed and f4.5- 5.6. I tried to position myself as well as the subject in interesting ways. Changing my own perspective really helped me create different angles. 

Portait Photography






This class we took portraits using different lighting techniques. In these photos the light source is changed to give off different effects. The lighting techniques we focused on was loop lighting, broad lighting, rembrant lighting, short lighting and split lighting. My favorite shots were shot using broad, short and loop lighting.


It was kind of tricky doing this assignment, to emulate high key and low key lighting because of the dark tones and to capture the actual image. I had difficulty figuring out where my camera settings had to be at so these pictures. This is one of the difficult assignments for me because of the lighting settings with aperture.