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HW#3 – Photoville !


Photoville was  such a great experience, filled with such beautiful and diverse work that could make anyone a fan of photography. These are some images that stood out to me. Growing up Amelia by Robin Schwartz was my favorite part of the exhibit. Schwartz did a great job at capturing her daughter Amelia growing up amongst the animals. I found it interesting how she replicated the photo of Amelia as a young girl with their cat. I enjoyed the sense of fantasy that came with the vibrant colors and disney princess style composition. The photograph on the top right was taken by Harmen Meinsma. In this project Meinsma picked random people with extraordinary personalities and gave them the experience of a glamorous of a photoshoot. What i enjoyed most about this project was the fact that the subjects were different from what you may find in main stream photography. The project consisted of portraits with beautifully loud colors, which was definitely what made it stand out to me. The last photo i chose to speak about was taken by Janelle Jones an emerging photographer. I love the creativity of this Photograph. Like the others, it is also rich in color. Leading lines in this image guide your eyes to the plate of cheetos creating for a very interesting photograph. Photoville is a unique place with a lot of talents displayed.

HW #3 – Visit Photoville!



Thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Photoville this past weekend! There were SO many different photo projects and organizations representing different issues, I easily spent 2 hrs at this exhibition (not to mention the perfect weather on Saturday). I know apart of this post should be a critique to some of the photographers but who am I to judge these wonderful pictures that were selected to be apart of the exhibition for a reason! So here is my praise for some that stood out the most:

The first that I’d like to mention was by the Intergalatic Travel Bureau, they weren’t your traditional photographs but images taken of space (different planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc). I’m a sucker for a good galaxy pic but their container set up was by far one of the most fun and engaging. The people working the container were dressed as flight attendants and played the role of travel agents pretending to book trips for people to different planets and moons (at the very low low cost $1.8 million??). It was quite entertaining.

The second and my personal favorite was a container that was filled and set up with images and police evidence/documents from car crash that happened in Brooklyn. The artist (didn’t get this containers info) did her own investigating of this abandoned cracked car outside of a police station. Apparently the driver of the car had been killed in the accident and the investigation is still going on. She had different photos of the surrounding neighborhood (one is posted above). That specific photo has a grimey, trouble is lingering ahead feel to it and definitely captured the dark tone she was trying to set with her investigation.



LL3 – Long Exposure

In today’s class, we got to learn how to take hyperlapse with long exposure photography. We went outside to take shots. In the first two shots, we tried the basic long exposure & the third one we used the phone as a lightstick to make a heart. I think it looks interesting.

HW #3 Photoville


For me, Photoville was an incredible trip and gallery. The work was so diverse and didn’t censor or exclude minorities which is always good. From the photographers taking the pictures to the poc involved as the subject in them. The photos I chose to talk about all meant a lot to me. The first three are about Project Luz which I have heard about before and I think is an incredible organization that helps bring awareness to Latin and hispanic people and immigrants people in their art and awareness. The use of color in their photography is inspired by Hispanic culture and it reminds me of my own culture. The second set of photographs were from Asia based  photographers and their use of color was also bright but more vibrant and showed less contrast and it interested me while also feeling experimental and playful. The last photo is me and a photograph of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez because she’s a personal hero.


I honestly forgot about composition because I was dealing with hold the tripod, making sure my camera wasn’t going to fall, and the technical aspects like the shutter and f stop. I ended up with a lot of color and light and mostly focused on that. I tried zooming in and out with the second pic and moving my camera different ways.



Photoville 2019

In my visit to Photoville, there were two images that I liked and were the first ones I saw. The photographer is Peter Mather. In one of his pictures, we can see the photo of some reindeer that climb a mountain. What I liked was the framing since they create a natural leading line that goes from the first reindeer that is ahead to the last ones that are swimming through the water. Photoville is an excellent place to get inspired and see how other people capture different moments and experience. I wonder how we could get our space to show our photography?



All Photoville was a great experience. Space was huge and I got to know so many photographers works. The works were of different styles: photojournalism, fashion, documentary, street photography, landscape. But the section which struck me more was the photojournalism section. Especially works by photographer Vincent Tremeau called ONE DAY, I WILL. Its a beautifully captured series of photographs revealing the real-life stories of kids who were displaced from their home cause of war. The photographer shoots the kids on a pure black background Medium Shots. The most interesting thing about the kid’s expression is that they look so happy although they had suffered in their life. So only the description of that photo opens the real truth. I think that it is a great example of storytelling and example that photography could be a great powerful tool, that can inspire and influence positively.


We were shooting hyperlapse with long exposure. I learned to to shoot with long exposure, and always look for some stable position for the camera, as handheld shooting will give blurred unnecessary results.


LL3 – Long Exposure


Today’s experiment with long exposure was a lot of fun and interesting. I found the best trick to get the most interesting photos is to wait until the lights are in motion. The long exposure allows for more information in the image, creating these cool lines all throughout the photos. I really enjoyed joining three images in photoshop to create my first photo.

LL#2 Indoor light


In today’s class, we shoot indoors using indoor lights. Before taking pictures I was wondering how to use indoor lights because indoor lights are usually blue or yellow. But as I started to take pictures I found some interesting lights and shadow so I decided to play with it also used angles in some of my photos. Here are some of my best shots.