Author Archives: anna



All Photoville was a great experience. Space was huge and I got to know so many photographers works. The works were of different styles: photojournalism, fashion, documentary, street photography, landscape. But the section which struck me more was the photojournalism section. Especially works by photographer Vincent Tremeau called ONE DAY, I WILL. Its a beautifully captured series of photographs revealing the real-life stories of kids who were displaced from their home cause of war. The photographer shoots the kids on a pure black background Medium Shots. The most interesting thing about the kid’s expression is that they look so happy although they had suffered in their life. So only the description of that photo opens the real truth. I think that it is a great example of storytelling and example that photography could be a great powerful tool, that can inspire and influence positively.


We were shooting hyperlapse with long exposure. I learned to to shoot with long exposure, and always look for some stable position for the camera, as handheld shooting will give blurred unnecessary results.


Artificial Light Portraits in class

During our second class we did a shooting workshop outside the class practicing light and shadow. The difficulties I faced was to capture constantly moving people in dark environment, while trying to avoid blurriness, as well as trying to frame the photo, make a good composition. Also shooting in dark environment was challenging as my max aperture of the lense was only 2.8, and raising the ISO makes my photo very noisy.






Homework #1

I like this photo by Adam Pretty. He successfully captured the moment of action when the swimmer spreading his arms, and the movement of his arms created an illusion of a bird spreading the wings. The splashes of water continued in a very organic way the movement of the hands and created a shape of the heart. The photographer masterfully framed the photo so nothing distracts from the strong swimmer, committed to sport and success. The viewer’s eye is caught by the contrast in color where dark is a background of water opposed to the light foreground with white splashes of water and highlights of the swimmer’s hands. The angle of the photo is very appealing and deliberate – the bird’s eye view.