Author Archives: Eric Arellano

Learning Log#2

in class, we shot still life shots and try to incorporate high key shots and lowkey shots. We mostly shot lowkey shots. The shot with the mask, our group try to create a dark scene. Having one mask in front lit up and the second in the back with part of the mask lit up. Also having one mask in front and one in the back created depth to the photo. The second set of photos we investigated with different items. For these photographs, we made a drug, gambling, death theme. Overall this was an interesting fun session of photography. I learned that the lighting and backdrop can create the mood of the items.

Learning log #1 Eric Arellano

These sets of photos I use the natural light coming from the window. It was a blue dim cloudy light. I tried to reflect my partner to the window too. I tried to also create a moody scene in the classroom. Having my partner sit between two lights from the ceiling making the light shine on his cheekbones and his center face in shadow.

Hw Assignment #1

It was hard to choose a photo from Joey Lawrence. I love them all. They all felt like a movie scene and created emotion with how he composes his photos. In this photo, he used the leading line to catch the viewer’s eye from the flame being low on the left and it increased in size to the right where the people are heading to. Also, the people on the roof of the house leads to the right side of the photo. Lawrence also used the rule of thirds, keeping the most attention on the top right. Overall his work is amazing and made me a huge fan of his.