Learning Log #2 – Natural Light Portraits


I enjoyed today’s activity because it dealt with nature and people so it went hand and hand with each together very well. One difficulty I faced when taking images was LIGHTING! It drove me crazy! When the light did come out we had to run back to position and shoot the shots and use the reflector to enhance the light, that was the funny part but extremely frustrating. I worked more on my angles and finding the best lighting possible. I also tried to work on leading lines, faded background and the main idea of an image. The first image I wanted to copy a past image we saw (girl holding the lamb and everyone looking away from the camera) so I tried to make Briana be the main idea of the photo while Ebony looked away. The second image, I wanted a faded background and a focus on Briana, I tried to make that work in some sort but i believe it came out good. Lastly, I focused on leading lines with Ebony and made sure that the strip leading all the way down were empty so she could be the main attraction. Overall, I believed that the difficult part was finding the light with the reflector to create a sense of natural lightening and also having to deal with the light in general in seconds.

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