Author Archives: Zachary Agard

Micheal Muller: Portrait Photography of Rihanna

The artist that I’ve chosen is Michael Muller, He is an Portrait Photographer that also does work in advertising and entertainment. His work gives off a vibe that there’s a meaning that whoever is in front of the camera has a story to them and that’s what I like. It seem he’s the reason behind great photos of my favorite celebrities and movies. The photo that stood out the most for me is the Rihanna portrait. The background is mostly bright but the outskirts of it are dark but you’re still drawn to her face. Her face isn’t in the middle of the photo, it’s on the right which to me gives me an vibe that she’s standing out more than the brightness in the photo.This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.