Assignment Week 8 (due 10/29)


Please comment on this page with a link to your ePortfolio if you haven’t already done so (I’m missing 5 people):


TypeBook | Section 9 | Grid

Type Book | Section 10 | Logotype

Due next week (10 hw pts)

• Sections 1-10 (in JPGs) uploaded to an ePortfolio page designated for your Type Book

• Sections that are about 60% complete, with minor edits, corrections, cosmetic repairs, etc.

• Sections that are in correct order (see the Resources page for sections and their correct order)

Midterm Study Guide 

Midterm scheduled for next week, 10/29 @ 9:15am (until 10:45am)

1) Identify anatomy concepts: uppercase, lowercase, descender, ascender, baseline, capline, meanline, x-height, serif, san serif, etc.

2) Understand the 6 variations of type: posture, stress, weight, width, serif, contrast. 

• Be able to distinguish the difference between them, by looking back at your Type Book Section 3 as a study guide

3) Distinguish differences in the 5 Families of Type: Old Style, Transitional, Modern, Slab Serif, San Serif

• For example: Bembo, Janson, Palatino, Sabon, Antiqua, Caslon, Stemple and Garamond belong to which of the Five Families of Type?

• Another question: What time-period and concepts would you identify each family with?

4) Letterform History (ignore homework in last page of this presentation): What is the difference between Pictograph and Ideographs? Where does each (Phoenician, Greek and Roman alphabets) stand chronologically and how do they differ?

5) Who is Gutenberg?

6) Identify 5 different types of alignment

7) Know the difference between Kerning, Tracking and Leading

8) Review the techniques that are used to establish visual hierarchy, and how the work

9) How is type measured, from what point to what point? Know relationships of measurement between:

• Pica | Points

• Inches | Picas

• Inches | Points

10) Know your grid terms (remember the grid game we did as a group, and where the terms were located on your group’s grid)

11) What is the format for communicating the point size to leading size of a font?

>> Utilize the weekly lectures, Blog Glossary, and Resource page. <<