Commercial buildings in all other Commercial Districts
Maximum #Floor Area Ratio# = 10
Floor Area Bonus for a Public Plaza
a)#Zoning lots# containing #community facility uses# In the
districts indicated, and in other C1 or C2 Districts when mapped
within R9 or R10 Districts, for #zoning lots# containing
#community facility uses#, for each square foot of #public plaza#
provided in accordance with Section 37-70,inclusive, the total
#floor area# permitted on that #zoning lot# under the provisions
of Section 33-12 (Maximum Floor Area Ratio) for a #zoning lot#
containing only #community facility uses# or both #commercial#
and #community facility uses#, may be increased by six square
Floor Area Bonus for Arcades
Permitted Additional Square Feet of #Floor Area# per Square Foot
of #Arcade#
3 square feet per sq of arcade
Research by Jia Rui Lin
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