Armstrong, Helen. “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde” Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15.
- According to this author, what role should design play in society?
- What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
- Why should designers concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions?
- What role does technology play in shaping design?
- What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?
- How, and why, is a designer responsible for solving these problems?
According to Armstrong, designers need to be playing an active role in shaping and reflecting society’s core values. She thinks we should be balancing between our own individual expression as designers but also being mindful of universal communication. The design industry is distinguished by a blend of creativity and functional communication but is moving toward societal impact—as opposed to just aesthetic and consumerism. I’m also of the opinion that as designers, we should be concerned with theoretical questions that may be unsolvable because this is what drives our field forward and evolves it for future generations of creatives.
Without question, technology has been profoundly reshaping the art & design landscape for decades now. It has completely altered the traditional norms and fostered a more collective approach to authorship. However, this can still be problematic because conversely, it imposes certain standardized protocols that cause limitations in the overall design process.
In closer reading, I get the sense that the most urgent challenges facing designers today include objective communication, navigating the negative complexities of the prosumer market, and having a discussion around addressing issues of social responsibility. We have to ensure that our work contributes positively to the global discourse around sustainability and social justice. I think this is most critical toward the ethical integrity of the design world.
Thank you. This is why it’s great to teach — to LEARN. I admire your phrase “navigating the negative complexities of the prosumer market.” I also wonder how artists, designers, and prosumers can sustain the energy to keep up with the speed of communications without burning out? Wondering if intentional scarcity can be a method of protecting one’s health, and increasing attention — not sure!
[And, as we discussed, I will include this with all of your reading responses, towards your final grade. Reading response are not individually graded; total participation is graded.]