Place-based Learning, HMGT1101

Place-base learning is a central part of my teaching practice. In HMGT 1101, Perspectives in Hospitality Management, I take my students to visit the Carlyle Hotel. Here they meet a number of different hotel executives and receive a tour of the hotel.

Student reflections are of particular interest to the learning process and can be seen following this link. Thought the formal student learning outcomes of “Explore the roles and responsibilities of key executives and department heads in the hospitality industry.” and “Differentiate hotel classifications.” are met through this site visit the less tangible, more college ready outcomes often portray how a student is growing as a learner and future hospitality professional. Below is one reflection which shows personal growth and confidence, all reflections can be read here:

Normally I don’t wear suits, but we had to dress professional to visit the Carlyle. The trip over there in the train was different for me, I felt like people stared at me less, I also felt a bit more respected, some people said “excuse me sir” I have never been called sir in a train station, then being around a lot of men in suits or women dress professional I felt like I was one of them and also felt like I was important with a job title or with a good paying job. Overall it was a fantastic experience being to hotel rooms that I’ll probably never be able to afford and seeing the luxury people pay thousands of dollars for.”