Stanley Quach Story Concept

Elvis Died at the Florida Barber College

The story describe a 10 year old boy in the orphanage that was curious of Elvis Presley of how all the girls were attracted to Elvis due to his wavy hair. Upon half an hour, the matron from the orphanage called all the boys to visit Florida for new shoes and a haircut. He gets an idea to get Elvis hair cut which attracted most of the girls, so he can be like him where he can become popular and attractive someday. Upon the visit at the big barber shop, the boy asked a man, which was a barber to ask for a hairstyle like Elvis. However, the matron asked the barber which shook his head, telling her no. The matron then ask another men about the barber cutting the hairstyle, where the boy realize that the barber was not allowed to provide Elvis Hair Cuts. Afterward, the matron and the barber yelled at each other and walked separately. The barber then walked outside, smoking a cigarette while the boy followed and stood beside him and asked about Elvis Presley.

Change for Interpretation:
My change for the story is the style of the characters where it involves all human-like people into skelations that are alive and take part of the story which remains the same. The place has been mentioned in the story which is in the barber place, but the time is not mentioned. The change will also involves a gloomy night.

Clear Targeted Demographic:
This short story can be a teen-friendly story with the project idea of drawing cartoons of both the skelation and the setting of the barber place.

Description of Characters and Setting of the project:
The character involves the main character of a boy in a orphanage, and a barber and matron.


Final Project Ideas

The article I picked


The story I decided to choose is “The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing” It’s a very short story about a wolf having trouble obtaining his prey so he decided himself as the prey.

1st scenario or concept I want to update the setting, I want the new story to take place in the future where artificial intelligence exist and machines and robots are a common thing. Instead of a wolf disguising himself in sheep clothing in order to kill sheep, I want it to be the wolf killing evil robots so this wolf disguises itself as a robot by wearing armor, hiding its identity and killing robots.

For my 2nd scenario or concept is updating the mood. I want it to be a love story about a wolf and a sheep. Instead of a wolf disguising himself in sheep clothing in order to kill sheep, I want it to be the wolf loves one of the female sheep so this wolf disguises itself as a male sheep, fooling the female sheep into liking him.

Final Project

When everyone thought the nine-tailed fox was killed but no she was just injured, it took centuries to get her wounds recovered after she fled away failing to seduce the Emperor Toba. Now she doesn’t want to control anyone for power or be a ruler of anything, starting a new life in Tokyo but adapting to Tokyo alone seems a bit difficult for her since she’s from the past when Tokyo was still known as Edo, so finds her ways to learn about the modern world.

Tamamo no Mae

Narrative illustration Jennifer Chung

Research: Time period is modern, the culture is Korean/Japanese, the environment would be taking place in the woods at an open space area near the lake at night.

Story Concept: The woman gets lost in the woods from a distracting ball, she then sees a beautiful woman with fox tails and together they fall in love. But the fox kills the woman to stay as a human.


Tales about Nine Tails: an Overview of Eastern Fox Spirits

Monster of the Week: Kumiho