The Google is known around this country. Google is a well-known search engine and now much more. Its now a email source, a place to store and write document, a place to shop and a map of the world. With this Google needs a good logo. The creator of the current Google logo is Ruth Kedar. The owners of Google were looking for someone with a playful style and Ruth Kedar had it. Kedar also stayed with using the primary colors and with the “L” being a secondary color, “We ended up with the primary colors, but instead of having the pattern go in order, we put a secondary color on the L, which brought back the idea that Google doesn’t follow the rules.” (FinePrintNYC) Google has gone through many logo changes.
The current Google is popular. Many internet users rather use Google than the other search engines or email accounts. With all this popularity their business rised and they were able to buy other companies like Youtube. Throughout the years, they have kept the
colors and the fun style front. Aside from this logo, Google on special occasions changes their logo. Some of these special logos are created by Dennis Hwang. People enjoy these logos and sometimes they are even interactive. This is a new approach to logo making. Even with these new special logos, the Google logo is still well-known and respected.