Coming to and End.

My internship at Atlantic Records is, unfortunately, coming to an end. As I am wrapping up the final projects, I am really thinking about all that I have learned during my internship. I think so far (unless everything changes in the last few weeks) here is what I have learned.

Communication is KEY: Being an intern, it’s important to develop good business practices that I can carry with me through the rest of my career. So I try to communicate everything relevant to internship to my boss and her team. It comes into sending concise messages, that get to the root of what I am asking or saying and really making that happen in a timely fashion. Also in my copy of artist merch descriptions, it’s important to be descriptive but concise as well.

Be TIMELY: The music industry has everything to do with people. There are a lot of moving parts to satisfy a lot of personalities and get deals met. Pumping out results in a timely fashion allows, for a fast turn around time in case the people you are working with want something changed. Also, artists decide to drop and revise their content all the time. So it’s our job to make it work and meet their needs. Sometimes, things need to be reworked 6 and 7 times over, and might even have to be done when you’re in the office, but it’s important to just show a level of commitment to getting things done.

Do Good WORK!: This is probably the most valuable lesson. Produce work that you’re proud of and know you’re boss will appreciate. Find things that you care about with the work and implement a level of care into it. A lot of the artist I worked on, I don’t listen to but that never changed my method of writing basically to their fan. I just had to put myself in the head space that this is something I would love if I was a super fan of this person and go from there.


