Dropbox Changes

Hey all, so I’ve made some changes to Dropbox.  The folder that you upload to is no longer public, as each of you have a folder that bears your name.  To ensure privacy, the folder is only viewable by me and you.  Since the folder is now semi private, there is no longer a universal link to access the folder.  You should see an invitation to your folder in your email.  If you would like me to resend the invitation, please let me know and I will grant you access through a personal email.

Moving forward, all submissions should be uploaded to your personal folder.

Submissions should still be a pdf file, with a single submission for each assignment.  Multiple pages are allowed, and encouraged if necessary.

As practice, I would like you to upload something to your folder as practice.  Download the review sheet from the files page, do one problem to completion, and upload the solution (with all work shown) to your Dropbox folder.  I will give you extra credit for doing this before Thursday April 2, 2020.  Please do this so that we know this works before we get back to class on Thursday April 2.

If you check your folder, you should see your submissions from 3/24 and 3/26.  The 3/26 submission is graded.  If you don’t see a grade, please contact me and let me know.

Again, I apologize for all the changes going on this semester.  This is a stressful time for us all.

Stay safe and healthy, Professor Bruce Kan

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