Dear end of semester me, I know we made it through this tough and challenging time. We worked so hard and tried our best to complete these assignments on time. Although we started the first two weeks a little bit off track the first two weeks we’ll slowly start adjusting into this college lifestyle. Truly what I want us to accomplish is, not only that A we’re gonna work hard for, but also to take what we learned in this course and apply it into the outside world in a way where it teaches others. I want us to perfect the skills of multitasking. This will be very important for us to learn because I believe with this skill, we will be able to complete everything on time. Lastly, dear future me, can you please manage your time wisely and create a schedule if you have too. Having assignments is not fun, trust me you’ll regret it. Overall my future goal is to complete my degree and work in the field I truly worked for.

The image I chose shows how I’m feeling now and what I would like to feel at the end of the semester.