Faculty Workshop Spring 2014

Website Publishing

To start publishing for your course, you need a place to publish your web pages.

You can get space from a variety of places. This workshop’s site utilizes City Tech’s Open Lab. City Tech offers space on their websupport1.citytech.cuny.edu server. Certain departments also have access to webspace.

Its important to have your files hosted in order for your students to visit your site.

Free blogging software:





Here’s a helpful video that explains how the world wide web works:


Websites are built using a computer language called Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is made up of “tags” that go around content. Web browsers interpret these tags and create the web pages that you see on your screen.

<p>This is an example of a paragraph tag<p>

Most tags have a start and end tag.

Most blog systems, such as WordPress, do not require knowledge of HTML. However, it is useful to know if you want to understand the ins and outs of webpages. For instance, if you come across a page that you want to emulate, you can view its source code and see what tags are being used for what. There are numerous HTML tutorials out there. The w3Schools website is a highly recommended tutorial.

Basic structure of a HTML document.

<html> </html> – This tag tells the browser that this is an HTML document

<head> </head> – This is the header tag which provides information such as the…

<title> </title> …title tag. These tell the browser to display the content between tags at the top of the browser window.

<body> </body> – This is the content that you see on your screen

Common Tags

<p> – Paragraph creates a paragraph of text.

<br> – Creates a hard break between elements

<img src=”http://some.gif”> Image tag that displays pictures, photos, graphics

<strong> – bold text

<a href=”http://somelink.com”> </a> This tag creates a link or anchor to another web page



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