For my second shoot day I shot at city tech in the voorhees building. I started shooting the outside to establish my location. I got a couple of wide shots panning over to the front of the voorhees building. I also got some shots tilting up the staircase and then panning over to the sign of the voorhees building. I then shot a duel interview because I thought it would be interesting to have an interview with two people in the frame and then compare and contrast the answers they give. I shot the interview over my shoulder with the two interviewees in the frame. After the interview I then did an exercise with my interviewees. One of my interviewees does camera work and the other wants to be a director. So I had the director decided how he thinks the location should be established in room V14 and then the other interviewee would shoot it based on how the director would want it. Overall it was a very good shoot day and I got the footage that I wanted and I think visually it came out really good.