A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio


As a nurse, I have learned a lot. My experience in the nursing program has given me the opportunity to grow, not only as a person but as a professional. I am very pleased with my experience at New York City College of Technology and the nursing program. I have met many other individuals who have similar goals as I do, some of which have been reached and others that I am getting closer to attaining. Specifically this semester, I have been very satisfied with my experience in the professional nursing class. I have been given the opportunity to witness first hand, the role of a nurse beyond that of a staff nurse. I have also gained knowledge on the importance of going above and beyond, applying myself to the best of my ability. All in all, I have learned the importance of not only being a  professional and gaining the title as one but also the importance in acting as a professional. This gives up the opportunity to continue to learn and in effect continue to advance our field.

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