Urban Design

Urban Design     

Measured ‘Nolli Plan’ of Pienza

These projects are samples of my experience working on large scale projects where “placemaking” is the central principle of the urban organization. The design of each of these projects synthesizes their unique program with the local landform, climate, culture, urban patterns, and landscape. The placemaking strategy reinforces the hierarchy of the program elements, with primary pathways linking open public spaces fronted by the public buildings and facilities of each project. Mixture of uses and building typologies endow the urban compositions with a natural complexity and richness.


CayoLargo_MP_Village_2000m_colorNew Coastal Village, Puerto Rico w/ Hart Howerton

File0129New University, Competition Entry, Venice

07-020_IllustrativeSitePlan_012007 A0   New Coastal Village, Taghazout, Morocco  w/ Hart Howerton

File0133Urban Infill Competition Entry, Blacksburg, Virginia  w/ Michael Lykoudis