Offset and Letterpress printing review

Letterpress printing is a method of printing where physical metal type is set into the bed of the printer, inked and paper is rolled onto the inked metal type. The metal type is movable and can be arranged to make whatever words necessary. In hand presses a crank is pulled that pushes the paper onto the inked metal type. The invention of Letterpress printing with movable type lead by Guttenberg was one of the most important invents in history as it lead to the fast production of materials like flyers and books which in turn educated and spread information faster.


Example of the movable type

 Offset printing is a method of printing where rollers, ink and water are used to print high quality images. In offset printing a ink rollers and water rollers fill the image of what is to printed as water does not mix where the ink has set. After the ink has been applied evenly to the plate it is then rolled onto the paper where it is then rolled onto the blanket cylinder and finally the paper.  This method of printing allows for fast and high quality production of text and images for print materials such as newspaper and magazines that require constant and fast prints.


An offset printer



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