Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography


Genre-Short Stories


Racquel Naraysingh


In the short story, “Why The Autumn Leaves Are Red”, tells an indian legend on why the leaves change colour in the fall. It depicts how everything came to be by using animals act and behave in the same way as humans. “Some of the animals became jealous of Little Turtle, especially the Deer.” Deer became so jealous that he decided to go to Skyland so he could get the same attention that Little Turtle was getting but in reality he was throwing the balance and peace off between the animals. “The shook his antlers angrily. “ What right have you to question me? No one but the Wolf may question why I came. I will kill you for your impertinence.”… The battle of the Deer and the Bear shook Skyland. The animals looked up from the earth.” This great war began over silly human emotions, almost childlike where a parent would have to come and break up the fight, demonstrating how the season fall could be the reason for automatic mood change based on the way the story interprets it because it came about over negative emotions.


In the short story, “The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees”, the author tells a tale about wasps and bees. These insects who have complex societies, fall into chaos when they go up against each other, especially as the last days of summer begin to change to Fall. “The anarchists labored secretly but rapidly, drones alongside workers, because the copper taste of autumn was in the air. None had seen a winter before, but the memory of the species is subtle and long, and in their hearts, despite the summer sun, they felt an imminent darkness.” This shows the idea that Fall always come with a dark and gloomy setting.


In the short story,“Untitled” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie tells of a woman who takes a walk on a windy morning in November but the author manages to turn this walk into a journey of the woman struggling to connect to the world around her. “The young boy was saying something to her. She nodded. She did not know why but the nod seemed to be the appropriate response because he kept talking. She kept nodding it was not agreement or disagreement, it was just nodding.” This shows her going through seasonal depression, throughout the audio she constantly fights to get out of bed and continues to go through less than inviting weather. This shows that in the season of Fall, due to the weather not being all sunshine and rainbows all the time anymore, factors such as laziness and sadness begin to heighten in their abilities to take over.


In the short story, “Broads”, at the end of the day, fall really only means one thing: cuffing season. Everyone is desperately searching for that special someone to hunker down for the winter. “Jimmy doubts that Greta knows his name, but he leaves her a generous tip every day. He compliments her on the way she manages to dangle a cigarette between her lips and hold a conversation all while pouring coffee.”Jimmy Nolan lusts after a loud brassy woman but worries that his feminine hands will keep him from ever finding love. This shows that the season fall brings about all the bad feelings we try our best to forget, in terms of this story it is loneliness and insecurities to a point where Jimmy is scared to even ask her out on a date because of his hands. 


In the short story, “October in the chair”, the twelve months of the year are personified in gathering around the campfire and tell campfire stories. October begins his story about Donald Covay, a 10-year-old boy who has a miserable home life. Not because he is physically beaten, but because he does not fit in well. Compared to the story before (September), who has a more cheerful story about her favourite chef. “October is described as a pale man in blue and grey attire, with a beard resembling all the colors of autumn.” This describes the season Fall as a gloomy weather and often depressing down to the colours that it brings all the way to the depressing stories that withhold through the months of the season Fall.


In the short story, “Three Days”, it starts with the image of a girl named Beatrice walking down the highway, trying to avoid cars by walking right up against the guardrail, with all the trash and the corpse of a bloated raccoon. “Beatrice imagines that every car and truck passing holds someone she once knew in high school. Inside their cars they are shaking their heads and asking, “Is that Beatrice? What the hell is she doing with a bloated raccoon carcass?”.” This captures the darker side of autumn, and of traveling home to see family on a cold and lonely road. And just like the rest of the stories it shows that Fall is the time where things change and dark and moody days tend to follow until the season changes again.

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