Animal Abuse/ Cruelty

Animal abuse/cruelty is a big issue that is spreading all over the media and news. The cases that really hit home, is abuse of domesticated and wildlife animals. Domesticated animals, such as dogs and cats, are promised a loving home and to be cared for. Media exposed many owners walking their dogs out of a moving car or dragging them on the payment because they got tired. Wildlife cases, such as the ivory trade of animals with tusks/ horns or fur/ skin trafficking, have impacted the media as well. These mistreatments and acts need to be talked about and brought a solution or enforcement to keep these acts from occurring again.

The audiences I picked, is a specific person in a case of animal cruelty, as I wrote them a letter and my other audience is ivory poachers as I’m giving a speech at a conference. I picked a letter form for the first audience because it is easier to express opinions about the person directly and to the general population of abusers, which can be published on any venues in the US or any other country that abuse follows. I choose a speech for my second audience because, its a case wherein specific places, like Africa and China, these problems occur. Also, the speech would be broadcasted live, if people in other countries do support actions taken against the trafficking of illegal items.

Audience 1:

Dear Robert Corsland,

I am writing to you because you are a heartless monster that deserves to be locked up. People don’t like the fact that you got away with murder and caused another animal in your own act, get put down. The demonstration you played at school, teaching “the circle of life,” to your students, did not need a live experience and neither in a harsh manner. Feeding a snapping turtle a live puppy is totally out of hand and unorthodox; live animals should not be used at school to perform live crimes. Even though it was for educational purposes, live animals are not to be used in any cruel way. Animals are pets and have a meaning to live their lives, just like any human being.

You said “the puppy was sick” and performed the act to “put it out of its misery”, but did you go to the vet to get that verified first? Or did you want to perform a cruel act just to get away with murder? If the whole purpose is to get rid of the puppy, there are several other, less cruel ways to get rid of any animal. Maybe the dog may have been sick, but feeding it to another animal is just not normal or right. This shows animal abuse in so many ways. One obviously, there are better, less cruel ways to get rid of a pet you don’t want. Second, performing the act as a science lesson to children, is just totally unacceptable. The demonstration itself, could have scared the children in countless ways, and could evoke this type of behavior to be seen as acceptable towards animals. Third, you couldn’t care less if the animal would have gotten hurt or even died. This just shows what a heartless person you are and many people, including myself, will not stand here silent in this unjust case at hand.

The demonstration played in front of your students is already time for you in jail. If any child is present in any act of abuse or violence, the charges will be heavily charged on you whether it is “more time in prison or pay a fine, or both.” Also, animals have protection on their part. According to the Animal Protection Laws Of The USA, “any act tending to produce such cruelty, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and … shall be treated as a misdemeanor defined in the penal law.” This means, that depending on the crime, it will determine how long you should go to prison for. A class a misdemeanor can be up to one year in jail, plus depending on the crime, it can be charged as a felony. These inhuman acts need to be paid for, and you belong in jail for what you did to end two animals’ lives.     


Maricellis Rivera

Work Cited

“Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence.” Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence – Child Welfare Information Gateway,

Jones, Rhett. “Science Teacher Who Fed a Live Puppy to a Snapping Turtle at School Found Not Guilty.” Gizmodo, Gizmodo, 7 Jan. 2019,

MacDonald, Fiona. “A Science Teacher Allegedly Fed a Puppy to a Snapping Turtle in Front of His Students.” ScienceAlert, 14 Mar. 2018,

Portman, Janet. “Class A and Level One Misdemeanors.”, Nolo, 11 Mar. 2015,

Audience 2:

Speech at the Geneva, Switzerland

They also have a life to live

“Nobody in the world needs Ivory, except an elephant” 

This is a line from the movie Holiday in the Wild. In just the first 16 minutes of the movie, a mother elephant has been killed for her tusk. By just knowing what occurred to the poor creature, the real dangerous animal out there is us.  

A billiard ball for a life is stupid to put an elephant’s tusks to use. 62% of the elephant population dropped and only 400,000 elephants in total of the different species remain. 

Who here wants to see animals get hunted and slaughtered for their tusks?

Many animals that possess these shields, more specifically, elephants are endangered. Elephants are dying, mainly because poachers have been taking their precious armor away and selling it for meaningless things. Piano keys, handles, and even more minor objects of decorative value, are made out of ivory, which is what the tusks are made of (Rebecca J. Rosen). These meaningless things came from an innocent animal that was killed and left to rot, which means you are carrying innocent lives in your hands.

According to the Fauna and Flora International organization, about 111,000 elephants have been illegally killed for their ivory. Just by knowing how many of them have been killed, shows how much people care for themselves than for the better of other lives and animals. Elephants need their tusks to survive, especially when it comes to fighting danger, in which they are always facing out in the wild. Taking away their armor, is just inhumane and unjust for the animal, leaving it defenseless when by nature they are in need of them.

 Bans have been established way back in the 20th century, especially in countries where most of Ivory Poachers go and carry out their violent acts. In countries like China and Africa, bans were to help prevent the elephant species from becoming extinct, which entitled them to the endangered species list. Listing them meant they are to be protected but this just made matters worse. Since there seem to be less and less elephants, the ivory’s cost doubled since 2007 (Dury). This meant that more poaching incidents occurred and more innocent lives have been taken. 


You are to be caught and exiled from any land that has been touched by any animal, but that’s just me ranting. What needs to be done, is to catch you vicious monsters and lock you up for a great amount of time, because of the danger and violence you have caused elephants that deserve to live their lives just like we live ours. CHARGE YOU all with access to illegal weaponry; CHARGE YOU all with breaking the national conservation laws; CHARGE YOU all for hurting and hunting an endangered species, so that you can rot in jail, just like you’ve left them to rot. 

Actions are going to take place, whether it is security, conservation camps, or to stop the trafficking and demands of ivory. As a species, as a community, as a society, we are to help demand elephants a life worth living, rather than killing.

Work Cited

Carnie, Tony. “The Latest Rhino Poaching Figures Show a Decade of Bloodshed in South Africa.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 31 Jan. 2018,

Denis. “Why Care?” World Elephant Day,

Drury, Rebecca. “A Beginner’s Guide to Ivory Trade.” Fauna & Flora International, 19 July 2017,

Keaten, Jamey, and Maria Cheng. “From Tusks to Tails, Nations Eye Trade in Endangered Species.” NBC Chicago, NBC Chicago, 17 Aug. 2019,

Presse, Milan, et al. “Why Is Ivory so Valuable?” Accueil, 23 July 2018,

Rosen, Rebecca J. “What Is It About an Elephant’s Tusks That Make Them So Valuable?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 14 Sept. 2012,



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