Journal Entry #5

In this internship, it doesn’t really seem like a collaborative type of feel, therefore, there hasn’t been a shared project that I had to work with other people yet. However, I have been told to create a communication campaign that would attract traffic and attention. This could be something small like a post on Instagram or social media platforms. The whole idea was to basically attract people to go to the non-profit organization’s websites and go from there.

I ended up going back to google drive for inspiration because I had no idea what kind of posters I would make. Judging from the research about the non-profit as well, I decided to take advantage of the “chance to win a trip” idea and ended up basing my two advertisements/campaigns on that concept. After all, the idea was to attract attention. After some time looking for stock photos from pexels and unsplash, I went with the idea of a nice beach with palm trees and a sunset in the background of the ad. Then on the front layer, it would show someone’s hand holding a camera and we would be able to see the screen of the view they’d be seeing if they were there taking the photo. Another campaign thought was a simple one where it was a donation box that stated people could donate to a cause of their choosing and an arm putting money into it. The headline would say “It only takes a little to make a big change.” It took some time for the first one to make because I was being picky but I think it came out decent enough.