
I was assigned to create a personal banner that represents me. As an artist I have chosen a blue rose because it does not exist naturally in the real world it is unattainable. The blue roses signify my dreams that may seem unattainable, and the thorns signify my struggle to attain that dream. Which is why I came up with the quote “no progress without struggle”

“No progress without struggle”

I was assigned to create a banner that represents me. This is the banner I came up with, which showcases a hand with two blue roses with thorns piercing the flesh. The reason for the blue roses is to show my perseverance, to show how much I strive through all the hardships. Blue roses do not exist in the natural aspect that a red rose does, it is man made, however this is the message that i am trying to showcase, ” even when things seem impossible make it your business to make it  possible”.  The thorns represents any negative statements said to me or struggles that might stop me from achieving success in the art community.