Category Archives: Internships

The last couple of days working at my internship at Alexapath has been tiring but rewarding. The pitch deck is bigger and better then when it first started and hopefully the presentation goes well. It has videos and hyperlinks to add some flair to the presentation. It has been an interesting project to work on and a long one too. Til the packaging design for the boxes that was ordered come in the packaging design has taken a back seat to the pitch deck. Good thing is, the moment that I finished the pitch deck an email came saying that the boxes were shipped and that the company who shipped it would help with custom designs.

Not much goes on here at Alexapath. The days have been quiet and the hours go bye pretty quickly here. The other people that work in the building are friendly but they mostly keep to themselves. Even after the class is over I’m gonna return to help with the packaging design and help with another project that they wanted help on. It has been an interesting month and I enjoyed all the work that has been given to me.

Summer Internship #7

My supervisor Louis Auguste has been a great boss. He’s very relaxed and calm. He knows when to joke usually by showing me funny jokes and or videos but he also knew when to be serious. He’s been in the business for more then 15 years and he has an understanding of the inner workings of the industry, how to talk to people in the industry and get them on his side and if he can’t he shrugs it off and knows to get around. He knows how to brake the tension that is in the air, he’s outspoken and quite charismatic. When there were moments that I didn’t know what to do or if I even got stumped he would try encourage me or tell me to relax and take a moment to step back and not work on it for a moment.

As I was working on the pitch deck, Louis would talk with me about any changes that he wanted in it from formatting, to type, to composition, etc. Mostly to see how if we changed anything how would it look like. Every now and again he would crack jokes which really took the pressure off even asking me to put jokes into the pitch deck.  He was a good mentor and the entire time that I was interning I was really trying my best to do my best. The pitch deck has been going great, I’ve been using there theme to add on to the pitch deck, to the type that I used, the style of the graphs and info in it, the photo and graphics used and even the colors used. Louis has been impressed with how the deck is going.

Summer Internship #6

Internship has been going swimmingly. After all the work that I’ve done for the design for the packaging, I actually had to find the box that the design would go on to. I spent some time looking at different box shipping companies and the type of boxes that sell, everything from what the box is made of, to the dimensions of the box and how the layout of the materials that will be going into the box will be laid out. I’ve called and emailed a couple box shipping companies to see if they have the boxes that I am looking for. My supervisor told me that most places will send samples boxes. So I ended up ordering a set. I spent some time learning from my supervisor how to get sample for design purposes from some companies.

I believe that I’m doing a good job, my supervisor tells me I’m doing a good job and has said that he thinks that some of the work is awesome. It has been reassuring to hear that cause sometimes I doubt that the work that I am doing is good.

Sometimes the other interns will look on to the work that I am doing and will tell me how impressed they are in my work.  It has been a confidence boost every time I hear it and it motivates me to work even harder to impress, not the greatest reason to work twice as hard but it never truly hurts.

Summer Internship #5

Although there is three other interns at my internship, I don’t really work with any one. My supervisor sits next to me and will make occasional points about the work I’m doing. It’s usually compliments on the things that I am working on and sometimes it’s to tell me that some of the things that I’ve put in doesn’t really work. I will always make those changes the moment he points them out. The other three interns work on the coding for the app that Alexapath has started, one works on the coding for the PC version of the app, the second intern, a women named Angie works on the Mac version of the app. They are usually quiet but, they work very hard, the third is my friend Muhammad, he works on a separate project so we talk here and there mostly to give feedback on each others work.

I quiet enjoy how focused everyone is it motivates me to work twice as hard. I usually try to fill every hour that I’m at internship with work just to be working just as hard as the others are.

Summer Internship #4

When I arrived to my desk I was told a meeting would be starting soon. So spent the time I had to go over the video and do a quick check over just to see if there was anything that we may have missed. It sounds pointless after saying it come great but checking never hurt. I was called into a meeting with my supervisor and was given a simple run down of what I would be doing over the course of the next few weeks that I was there. I was told that I would be doing packaging designs and that I would be working on a pitch deck. It was all work that I was confident in doing and knew that I could do well on.

After the meeting I went back to my desk and started doing some research on some packaging designs and then I decided to go over the branding guide to see if there was anything in it about what I can and can’t do. Since the branding guide was new there wasn’t much to go off on besides the colors for the box and how the logo had to used and placed. The rest of that day was just spent doing research.

Summer Internship #3

The video is finished and it was posted on their website. The video is about 2 minutes long and it looks great. A lot of the work done on the video was worth it. It hit small snags here and there but nothing looking up online couldn’t fix. Still not a lot to be done. More work will come in the coming days. A meeting of the interns is coming soon. I’ve made a small observation that every one in this office is very relaxed, everyone wears what they want and they kinda work on their own schedule it seems but most of the time that people are in the office they are working very hard and trying their best to promote their start-ups.

Summer Internship #2

2 days after the first post nothing much as changed. I am still helping the other intern with video editing. By helping with the video editing as well as the formatting of the script that was used before recording, I’ve learned how to collect audio with the proper equipment which involved making sure that the room that we recorded in was quiet and that there wasn’t any thing that would cause any static feedback and made sure that every time we recorded any audio we played it back to make sure that the audio we used was clear and could be used.

After helping collect audio I spent some time learning some new skills in Adobe After Effects, brushing up on how to use Adobe Premier and the shortcuts on the keyboard that make video editing easier.

After the other intern left for the day, I had to learn to busy myself while I have nothing to do. While I wait for an assignment, I go over the brand guide, check out the previous design work that the company has done and spend some time reading up the company itself. Since Alexapath was still some what of a brand new company so there isn’t that much information about them yet.

Summer Internship #1

My name is Jeremy Diaz and I’m a Communication Design student at the New York City College of Technology. I will be keeping a journal of my internship at Alexapath as their graphic and advertising designer. Alexapath is a start-up company that makes specialized cameras for microscopes and an app that accompanies the microscopes which allows them to take pin-point pictures of the slide under the lens. They are very small company that caters to medical professionals around the world. The company is exactly 4 people not including interns. They share a space with other tech start-ups but the entire space that they all share is huge.

My first day at Alexapath was very quiet and simple. The previous intern was working on video for Alexapath and I spent some time helping them fix up the video. So apart of my first day was spent not doing much. The next couple of days will have more for me to do then my first day actually did.