Pharmacology Paper

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The effects of opioids in the West are widespread and a major cause of overdose related deaths. The way in which doctors, dental, and medical professionals are responding to this crisis by being more informed, educated and aware about the habits of people and the potential of addiction and abuse of these drugs.

As a dental hygienist, I am more aware of the affects of drugs on the oral cavity and the human body.

In this paper you will find:

  1. List of the drugs of abuse in a particular region (WEST: (California, Nevada, Hawaii, Alaska)
  2. Legal Vs Illegal Status and drug schedule designation
  3. History and points of entry into the nation
  4. Socioeconomic History
  5. Demographics of Age
  6. Rise in opioid abuse – compared to the national average
  7. Oversight of opioid prescribing
  8. Oversight of Local Pharmacy Opioid Inventory
  9. Pharmacology of the drugs of region including mechanisms of action, potential of abuse, adverse effects
  10. Regional overdose history in the last 30 years
  11. Regional medical community response
  12. Regional  Legislative Response
  13. Regional media response