
I chose to pursue the profession of Nursing because of my desire to aid others. Within my journey, I have come to realize that Nursing is more than what it meets the eye. To truly be a Nurse, you must possess great qualities that will enable you to provide compassionate care to your patients.

As a nurse, we should not think of our patients as merely a room number, a disease pathway, or comorbidities, they are more than that. We have a duty to treat the patient as a whole, as a human who has their own thoughts and feelings in regards to their health.

As nurses, we should always advocate for our patients and maintain professional ethical standards at all times.

Finally, as a nurse, we should not treat the profession of nursing as just a paycheck, but rather, as a gateway to provide the best nonjudgemental care to those who need it regardless of race, spiritual beliefs, lifestyle choices, financial status, or disability.