5′ 10″

Hello! I’m Remy. The title is my height.

I’m not a big talker of myself. I’m a little bit of a jack of all trades. I’m decent at programming, I can do some 3D modeling, work with graphics and video.

I learn fast and am pretty good at problem solving because of it.

I’m not in this course specifically to get portfolio material for the gaming industry, as I worry it’s becoming a bit bloated. I do however believe that there is a great future in 3d computer interaction on a regular basis, and this is an excelent course for me to get a better understanding of how that’s created.

So what is it that I know? Python, C, Processing, HTML/CSS, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Blender, and Sculptris, are a few. These are the things I’m most comfortable and experienced with.

That isn’t to say I’m not willing to step out of my comfort zone and try something new though! I do it plenty and am not totally afraid to fail in doing so, which is where the bulk of my know how and experience comes from. I like to get my hands messy in several aspects of a project so I can best understand the thing as a whole and maybe even make it better.

Be warned: I’m quick, sometimes too much so. If I jump the gun on something, or say too little such that you don’t really understand what I mean, tell me so! Otherwise I’ll just go about my business and whatever we’re working on could catch fire!


I’m looking forward to this class!

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2 Responses to 5′ 10″

  1. rusnuvol says:

    I think we’re long overdue for a fire. You mentioned sculptris, whatever is that?

  2. Rich says:

    You are not learning unless something catches fire… looking forward to working with you Remy….

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