
Counseling | Triton College

One of the biggest issues we face throughout society are technological advancements like the internet. That’s why having a service that can help reduce the amount of time the company’s coworkers stay using the computer or internet can be very beneficial to the human mind. However our world has become very modernized with computer, cell phone devices, and much more. These devices have improved our way of living by sending emails, text messages, and checking the weather on our handheld devices. However not only have these technological advancements made our lives easier, but  has caused a vast amount of issues within ourselves.

Most importantly, computer addiction is one of the biggest issues we face in our workforce and society. And it can distract us from a task we are working on or consume most of our time which is highly valuable. In addition some of the effects internet addition has on the human body are Body aches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, insomnia, vision problems, and weight gain are just some of the physical problems one may suffer as a result of an internet addiction. It also has emotional effects that may include depression, dishonesty, anxiety, social isolation, aggression, and mood swings.

That is why this procedure of the program will consist of an on site location located at the company. Which will provide applications that employees can submit via email on their work devices. Once the employee submits their application on any issues they are facing regarding computer addiction or solutions they have to a problem. These applications will only be viewed by qualified counselors that will help with the company’s employees. Once the applications are reviewed they will be scheduled for an in person meeting to discuss any issues they face. They will soon be acquainted with other employees and counselors in outdoor activities that will help clear their mind. 

Hope for the Hurting - Cornerstone Counseling Services