Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101


As a student, I just want to find some sort of motivation to do my assignments. I would normally do these assignments with ease, but since the news that I had to move to New York City from Raleigh, North Carolina, my mental health has been worse it has ever been. I always try to clear my head and focus on my assignments, but I have been losing focus more than normal. I also feel like my job as a student is to help whoever needs it. Ever since starting the second half of my Junior high school, Iā€™ve always seen my assignments as solo missions, because I didn;t know how to start a conversation due to not knowing anyone. Academically, I want to achieve what every student wants to achieve: good grades and a good reputation. A field of HMGT that Iā€™m interested in is Culinary Arts, because I love to cook and learn more about how food tastes, smells and how you can use it. I donā€™t have any experience cooking in a restaurant of any kind, but I have been cooking in my kitchen and in school since the 6th grade, so about 7 years. Iā€™m very much looking forward to getting my hands dirty, and getting down to the nitty-gritty of the culinary world and expanding my culinary horizon.


I canā€™t believe that the end of my first semester of college is less than an armā€™s length away. My first experience of college was full of ups and downs. The semester has forced me to push myself to lengths that I have never reached before. The communication, and the time that I have spent with my peers, and professors have been very beneficial for me, despite the fact that I have not been in a school/institution since March 2020. Although my self-confidence is growing, I still feel like when I go back to campus to actually be in class and learn, I feel like I will make significant progress. This first semester taught me so much about food, and how it’s made and the nutritional facts. This semester, and every semester after this first one, will test my time management and my mental strength, especially when it comes to the heavy work loads. This semester has gotten me very curious about the rest of HMGT and I canā€™t wait to learn more in the semesters to come.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Not being in a classroom requires tremendous concentration and you are taking the strides to learn during difficult times. It will make your accomplishments more rewarding.

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    As a college student I am learning to push myself to lengths that I have never reached before. Curiosity will lead be to great experiences.

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