Lab3 will be an addition of Lab2. Based on 2 classes have been created in lab2, we will develops lab3 by making a super class of those two classes. Sensor class will be super class of Temperature and Humidity, which will inherit all characteristics of Sensor class.
The Humidity will generate the values between 0 to 100 based on High, Low or Full humidity. In start class, there will be additional code for Humidity to ask user what they want to generate as we did for Temperature sensor. In addition, the user will have one more choice,which is Random. The computer will pick the season and generate based on requirement of user.
The inherited method will allow subclass to inherit all of their methods and fields. That will help the program to be shorter and understand easily. We can call super class by the key word “super”. The super class can be use by many subclasses but it won’t work in opposite way.
package Sensor; import java.util.Random; public class Sensor { private int reading; //Getting reading public int getReading() { return reading; } //Generate number from 0-100 public void setReading() { Random RanNum = new Random(); this.reading = RanNum.nextInt(101); } //Generate number from 0-read public void setReading(int read) { Random RanNum = new Random(); this.reading = RanNum.nextInt(read+1); } //Generate number from l to u public void setReading(int l,int u) { Random RanNum = new Random(); this.reading = RanNum.nextInt(u-l+1)+l; } }
package Sensor; public class TemperatureSensor extends Sensor { //Getting Winter Temperature public int getWinterTemp() { super.setReading(20,40); int WinterTemp = super.getReading(); return WinterTemp; } //Getting Spring Temperature public int getSpringTemp() { super.setReading(40,70); int SpringTemp = super.getReading(); return SpringTemp; } //Getting Summer Temperature public int getSummerTemp() { super.setReading(70,90); int SummerTemp = super.getReading(); return SummerTemp; } //Getting Fall Temperature public int getFallTemp() { super.setReading(40,60); int FallTemp = super.getReading(); return FallTemp; } //Showing user the Output public void showOutput(double TotalTemp,double AveTemp, int FirstTemp,int LastTemp,int HighTemp, int LowTemp) { System.out.println("First Temperature of the season is: " + FirstTemp + " Degree"); System.out.println("Last Temperature of the season is: " + LastTemp + " Degree"); System.out.println("Highest Temperature of the season is: " + HighTemp + " Degree"); System.out.println("Lowest Temperature of the season is: " + LowTemp + " Degree"); System.out.println("Total Temperature of the season is: " + TotalTemp + " Degree"); System.out.println("Average Temperature of the season is: " + AveTemp + " Degree"); } }
package Sensor; public class HumiditySensor extends Sensor { //Generate Humidity from 0-100 public int getHumidity() { super.setReading(100); int Humidity = super.getReading(); return Humidity; } //Generate Low Humidity from 0-50 public int getLowHumidity() { super.setReading(50); int LowHumidity = super.getReading(); return LowHumidity; } //Generate High Humidity from 50-100 public int getHighHumidity() { super.setReading(50,100); int HighHumidity = super.getReading(); return HighHumidity; } //Showing user the Output public void showOutput(double TotalHumidity,double AveHumidity, int FirstHumidity,int LastHumidity,int HighHumidity, int LowHumidity) { System.out.println("First Humidity of the season is: " + FirstHumidity); System.out.println("Last Humidity of the season is: " + LastHumidity); System.out.println("Highest Humidity of the season is: " + HighHumidity); System.out.println("Lowest Humidity of the season is: " + LowHumidity); System.out.println("Total Humidity of the season is: " + TotalHumidity); System.out.println("Average Humidity of the season is: " + AveHumidity); } }
package Sensor; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class SensorStart { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); Random RanNum = new Random(); int season=0; int input=0; String SeasonName = null; int Random = 0; String HumidityName = null; //Do while loop to re-do the simulation do { /****************************** Season Code ****************************************/ //Asking for season System.out.println("Please! Enter the season for simulating:"); System.out.println("Season Code: Winter(1); Spring(2);Summer(3);Fall(4); Random (5); (6) to Exit"); //Checking for Integer input while(!keyboard.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("This is not an Integer Number"); keyboard.next(); } //Try to catch for errors try { season = keyboard.nextInt(); if(season>6||season<=0) { throw new InputMismatchException("Your input is invalid! Please try again!"); } //Checking for exit system and Random pick if(season==6) System.exit(0); else if(season==5) { Random = 1; season=RanNum.nextInt(4)+1; } //Asking for simulation System.out.println("How many time do you want to simulate?"); input = keyboard.nextInt(); } catch(InputMismatchException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); continue; } //Call for TemperatureSensor Object TemperatureSensor Temperature = new TemperatureSensor(); //Get new Temperature int newTemp=0; //First Temperature int FirstTemp=0; //Last Temperature int LastTemp=0; //High Temperature int HighTemp=0; //Low Temperature int LowTemp=0; //Total Temperature double TotalTemp=0; //Average Temperature double AveTemp; for ( int i=0; i<input; i++) { //Checking for season -using getTemperature- if(season==1) { newTemp = Temperature.getWinterTemp(); SeasonName="Winter"; } else if (season==2) { newTemp = Temperature.getSpringTemp(); SeasonName="Spring"; } else if (season==3) { newTemp = Temperature.getSummerTemp(); SeasonName="Summer"; } else if (season==4) { newTemp = Temperature.getFallTemp(); SeasonName="Fall"; } //Calculate Total Temperature TotalTemp+=newTemp; //Assign for first, high and low temperature if (i==0) { FirstTemp=newTemp; HighTemp=newTemp; LowTemp=newTemp; } //Assign for last temperature if (i==(input-1)) LastTemp=newTemp; //Checking for high and low temperature if(newTemp>HighTemp) HighTemp=newTemp; if(newTemp<LowTemp) LowTemp=newTemp; } //Calculate Average Temperature AveTemp=TotalTemp/input; //Checking for Printout with Random if(Random == 1) { System.out.println("Season is: Random "+SeasonName); Random = 0; } else System.out.println("Season is:"+SeasonName); //Calling outputTemperature method Temperature.showOutput(TotalTemp,AveTemp,FirstTemp,LastTemp,HighTemp,LowTemp); /****************************** Humidity Code ****************************************/ //Asking for season System.out.println("What type of Humidity do you want to simulate?"); System.out.println("Humidity Code: Full(1); Low(2);High(3);Random(4); (5) to Exit"); //Checking for Integer input while(!keyboard.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("This is not an Integer Number"); keyboard.next(); } //Try to catch for errors try { season = keyboard.nextInt(); if(season>5||season<=0) { throw new InputMismatchException("Your input is invalid! Please try again!"); } //Checking for exit system and Random Pick if(season==5) System.exit(0); else if(season==4) { season=RanNum.nextInt(3)+1; Random = 1; } //Asking for simulation System.out.println("How many time do you want to simulate?"); input = keyboard.nextInt(); } catch(InputMismatchException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); continue; } //Call for HumiditySensor Object HumiditySensor Humidity = new HumiditySensor(); //Get new Humidity int newHumidity=0; //First Humidity int FirstHumidity=0; //Last Humidity int LastHumidity=0; //High Humidity int HighHumidity=0; //Low Humidity int LowHumidity=0; //Total Humidity double TotalHumidity=0; //Average Humidity double AveHumidity; for ( int i=0; i<input; i++) { if(season==1) { newHumidity = Humidity.getHumidity(); HumidityName="Full"; } else if (season==2) { newHumidity = Humidity.getLowHumidity(); HumidityName="Low"; } else if (season==3) { newHumidity = Humidity.getHighHumidity(); HumidityName="High"; } //Calculate Total Humidity TotalHumidity+=newHumidity; //Assign for first, high and low Humidity if (i==0) { FirstHumidity=newHumidity; HighHumidity=newHumidity; LowHumidity=newHumidity; } //Assign for last Humidity if (i==(input-1)) LastHumidity=newHumidity; //Checking for high and low Humidity if(newHumidity>HighHumidity) HighHumidity=newHumidity; if(newHumidity<LowHumidity) LowHumidity=newHumidity; } //Calculate Average Humidity AveHumidity=TotalHumidity/input; //Checking for Printout with Random if(Random == 1) { System.out.println("Humidity Type is: Random "+HumidityName); Random = 0; } else System.out.println("Humidity Type is:"+HumidityName); //Calling outputTemperature method Humidity.showOutput(TotalHumidity,AveHumidity,FirstHumidity,LastHumidity,HighHumidity,LowHumidity); //Asking for simulating again System.out.println("Do you want to simulate again? (1==Yes;5==No)"); season = keyboard.nextInt(); }while(season!=5); } } SCREENSHOT: