Internship – Entry 2

As the graphic designer, whenever there is a new event, I’m given the basic information that is to be included in the flyer such as date time and place. I technically have two supervisors. One is Davinine Boodhu who was the lady in charge of contacting me and interviewing me. My other instructor is Jamal Charles who seems to be generally in charge of most things. I started applying to internships rather late, and finding one with my lack of experience in any sort of working environment made it really hard to get a position even if I landed an interview. When the previous graphic designer for the SLD office left, she made  a post in the school’s Facebook so I emailed them. My somewhat experience with ‘freelancing’ attracted them and Davinine basically gave me the position on the spot after our interview, so I was ready to begin working with them the next week. There were less “questions” than there were “this is what you’re going to do”.

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