Human Impact on The Environment –Air Pollution By- Peter Essick

Raleighat Adisa

Any type of substance that we introduce into the environment is considered air popllution. One of the leading pollutant is carbon dioxide, which is a green house gas . The carbon dioxide gas is more considered a pollutant when being associated with cars, planes ,and power plants. Also other human activities that involve the burning of the fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas. Other greenhouse gasses that is pollutant to the environment would include methane , which comes from swamps . But was later on banned because it was deteriorating the earths ozone layer . Sulfur dioxide is another pollutant associated with climate change . Sulfur is a component of smog, and it also is closely related to chemicals that are known to cause acid rain . The acid rain reflects light when released in the atmosphere , which ends up keeping the sunlight out of earth . Volcanic eruptions can bring of this gas in the atmosphere. To reduce these harmful gasses to enter the atmosphere , we need to reduce levels of sulfur dioxide, smog, and smoke in order to improve peoples health.

2 thoughts on “Human Impact on The Environment –Air Pollution By- Peter Essick”

  1. Hi, my name is Palden, today I’m here to command on your article because my article and your article are related. I also use same article as you. I think we also paraphase same quote but I like the vocabulary you use in your article because it look more like college level summary. Also I think it’s clever way to waite paragraph because you put what cause air pollution then how can we reduce it, this way I think it’s make reader to all of your summary because when reader know how big problem is air pollution then I’m reader will probably want to know the solution and your solution the problem is the end of paragraph.

  2. Very interesting. With so many causes of climate change, it’s that people get informed about acid rain and how much of a negative impact is has on climate change.

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