Ice control methods

There are four basic strategies used for ice control:                             anti-icing, deicing, delayed treatment, and temporary friction improvement.

Use your own words to explain each of them.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

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7 thoughts on “Ice control methods”

  1. De-icing is defined as removal of snow, ice or frost from a surface. Which mean it use to remove now from surface. The advantage will be returns road surfaces to normal faster, resulting in fewer accidents and delays, This saves money and minimizes potential losses to the environment. The disadvantage will be it will affect the surface
    of the road and will cause more accident.

  2. Anti-icing would be something that dissolves faster, deicing means removing the forms of ice. The delayed treatment is the ice that haven’t got seen for treatment. Temporary friction improvement would be
    The advantages are having safer material while the disadvantages would be having huge delays and accidents.

  3. Living in a metropolitan area can be exciting as well as frustrating at times. Issues arrive such as overcrowding, pollution, inflation of prices etc. In a state like New York, it is very important that steps be taking to preserve the well being for its residents and visitors alike. The department of transportation has its hands full in the prevention and control of the ice conditions we face during the winter months. Ice control means prevention or reduction of accidental falls, slips and vehicular collisions. They need to make the heavy trafficked areas safe for pedestrians and drivers such as pavements on the sidewalks and the in the street.
    The department of transportation employs four different strategies for ice control. These methods include Anti-icing, De-icing, Delayed treatment and Temporary friction improvement.
       Anti-icing is laying down types of chemical solutions on the paved surfaces before the ice actually begins. Doing this prevents the ice from bonding onto the ground. If this is done in time and correctly it can have prolonged periods of success.
       De-icing is removing ice that has already formed onto the ground. They remove it by using solid particles like rock salts to melt it.
    This may not always work because if the ice is not melted then someone will still have to phsically remove the ice by shovelling or plowing.. This seems to be more time consuming.
       Delayed treatment is used when the temperature is closely monitored because no chemicals are added to the ground. The intended use of this method is that if the temperature does not cause the snow to stick then no chemicals are needed. When time has lapsed, snow removal like plowing will be done to remove the snow, or traffick will just blow the snow away. This can be a little tricky because if there was residue from previous chemical treatment then it will cause icy spots in the road which could cause accident.
        Temporay Friction Improvement is applying abrasive chemical mixture onto paved areas to form traction and prevent slipping. This is not always good because depending on the volune of traffic, it can wear down pretty quickly.
       When choosing the right methods of getting rid of ice, it is important to take into consideration the temperature, the volume of traffick, the area which needs ice removal, the time it will take to take for preventative measures and the time it will take for ice removal. Also, equipment needed, man power etc. It is a lot of work but everyone’s safety should be the first thing to consider.

  4. Ice control is very important in states like New York where we endure months of freezing temperatures and occasional snowstorms. There are many different methods for controlling ice and it is important to research the advantages and disadvantages of all techniques mentioned to choose the best possible one.

    Anti icing is applied to surfaces before a snowstorm and it prevents the snow from bonding with the pavement, allowing the snow to melt quicker during a storm. With anti icing, we are one step ahead of any snow storm that may cause hazardous road conditions. A disadvantage would be that the salt used in this method is worth more than the salt we use now.
    De icing is the removal of already bonded ice from a surface through the use of chemicals that works by melting the ice. An advantage of this method is that it has proven to her very effective in airports, allowing planes to take off immediately after a huge snow storm. The disadvantage of de icing is that in some cases the chemical won’t fully melt the ice and more work is needed.
    Delayed treatment is the technique of not applying any salts to the ground and eventually using a plow to easily remove it. An advantage is that we can save money by not using any salts. A disadvantage is that this method only works when temperatures remain above freezing, which is rare in some states during the winter months.
    Temporary Friction Improvement is the method of applying abrasives to the snow/ice to melt it. An advantage is that it is immediate in improving road conditions by providing friction between any ice and the tires of cars.A disadvantage is that the method works good in low traffic areas so it would be ineffective in cities.

  5. De-icing is the removal of snow via Rock salt or some kind of chemical that can absorb the snow before it gains time to accumulate. Positives: Less taxing as far as labor goes, making it slightly more cost efficient but also less time consuming. : Negatives: These can leave harmful effects and damages to the environment or even to animals
    Anti Icing is the PREVENTION of snow accumulation which eventually turns into ice with some moisture and temperature, This can be done by shoveling and snow blowing/Plowing before accumulation begins. Positives: NO ICE! Negatives: Very time consuming, Not cost efficient, Dangerous.
    Delayed treatment is probably the most effective as far as time and money goes. With nature itself the idea is the problem will usually be solved in due time, from warm weather to winds not letting the snow set in place.

  6. An immediate short-term improvement in surface friction is temporary friction improvement. This method of ice control during a snow storm, consists of spreading abrasives or abrasives and chemical mixtures on the ice surface or snow. This method is most appropriate in very cold conditions, a temperature below 15° F. The effectiveness of this method depends on the level of traffic as its effectiveness can lessen. Since this is a major disadvantage of temporary friction improvement, it is important to monitor traffic.

  7. Anti-icing is the process and steps taken to prevent icing from occurring in a surface, a method of stopping the accumulation of ice before it occurs. The benefit of this method is that it prevents icing and makes cleanup of a snow fall after math easier. However, one disadvantage of this method is the strong and harmful chemicals in these substances. Harming the road and creating more potholes as well as affecting the skin and paws of animals who walk in it.

    Deicing is the process of removing the ice that has already formed, either using chemicals that make the break of ice easier or delays the process of the ice reforming. An advantage of this method is that individuals have the ability to use something once ice has already formed. A disadvantage is doing this method it takes longer and its more difficult to remove the ice, even with the help of the deicing process.

    Delayed Treatment is monitoring the weather and situation in order to determine if the usage of chemicals would be necessary or not. There are occasions when snow would stick and would prevent the formation of ice. The advantage of using this method is that there isn’t the need of using unnecessary chemicals. However, the disadvantage of using this type of method it that the temperature change would be sudden and would result in the late icing prevention and causing more harm in roadways and sidewalks.

    Temporary friction is a chemical mixture to create a surface that removes icing. An advantage of this is that it prevents the accumulation of ice and minimize possible injures. The disadvantage of this form of method is that it could wear down and stops working quickly, conditions and location is a big factor in its successes.

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