For Thursday

  1. You must bring in a rough draft of your “genre how-to–” at least 300 words. PLEASE BRING A PAPER COPY AND POST ON OPEN LAB BEFORE CLASS. This is part of your grade for Unit Three and will also be included in your final portfolio. No Unit Threes will be accepted without a genre how-to.  If you did not do your proposal yet, see #2

What is a genre how-to? Well, if you are writing a political You Tube video, you would write instructions about to make a political YouTube video (or, if you’re making a TED talk, how to make a TED talk– you get the picture.) You need to be kind of specific here– not just “a video,” but “an unboxing video” or “a movie review.” Narrow it down a bit.

It’s okay to look up “How to make a TED talk,” but I also want you to look at at least three examples in your genre and see what YOU notice (not just what some random guy on the internet said about TED talks).

Then write at least 300 words about how to do it– what are the ingredients of the piece of writing you’re trying to make (how does it start? What does it look like? What do you need to make it? What problems might you encounter? How does it end?) This is pretty informal, but it will help you learn about your genre and get unit three done!

2.  Only for those who missed class or didn’t give me proposals: I need a proposal for Unit Three from you. You may post this on line. This needs to be approved by me!  Please answer the following questions:

            1. What audience are you trying to reach (that is, who needs to know about the research you did in Unit 2) and WHY?
            2. What genre would be best to reach that audience? A declaration? a standup comedy routine? A TED talk? WHY?
            3.  What are you planning to do for Unit 3– be specific! Not just “an article,” for example, but “an article for a sports magazine like Sports Illustrated.” Not just “a letter,” but “an open letter to Congress.” 


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