Finding Your Voice

Author: Valerie (Page 3 of 4)

Homework 9/13

On a cold winter morning I was in my first period class counting down the minutes for when the second period bell rings. My class an I were talking passing time, waiting for our breakfast. We truly disliked our home room teacher and never got along. He was in a real bad mood that morning so didn’t bother to give us a class assignment to avoid talking to us. He wasn’t the only one that was in a mood, seem everyone woke up on the bad side of the bed. I was annoyed, cold , and  hungry. He sat at his desk and graded assignments while listening to music and we just continued our conversations wondering where our food was. The room was freezing no one even bothered to take off there coats for how cold it was just one more reason to be annoyed.

While waiting and losing patience little by little, our teacher decided to speak to us for the first time that morning. Specifically raised his voice and started yammering about an assignment that my fiend Bryan supposedly did wrong. He sat up and walked towards Bryan and slapped the paper on his desk. My friend Bryan is tall taller then 6 feet overweight and was startled from his aggressive approach. After 2 minutes  of listening our food came in. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to stop there so I grabbed my food and sat down and put my headphones on. Trying to ignore my surrounding didn’t work our teacher kept barking at him and Bryan had enough.

By this time my teacher was sitting at his desk but still  yelling over some errors on a assignment. Bryan couldn’t take it anymore  he sat up and barked back even louder. We only had a few more minutes until the period ends and I was counting down the seconds. Them arguing wasn’t new out of all of us Bryan disliked him the most. I tried to ignore it as much as possible but this was different. Just while things were getting heated the bell rung our other friend Hailey rushed Bryan out the class and just while me and my 2 other friends were leaving our teacher called Bryan a “fucking faggot”.

We stood in shock all i could hear was a white noise and just starred at him he got nervous and apologetic he didn’t think anyone heard him. We walked out like nothing was said and told Bryan he reported it and expected for him to be fired because it wasn’t his first time having negative encounters with students. Surprisingly he wasn’t fired because they didn’t believe us even though it was 3 of us that heard it. I was extremely upset but couldn’t do anything about it. I have a lot of stories on where the educational system failed me and showed me everything they say they weren’t. Expecting us to trust them but did nothing for us to feel we can trust them. It was a hard situation to be in and was even more difficult to keep going back to his class knowing what he said. I feel the education system is a lot more broken that people say it is and  people need to open there eyes and put themselves in students shoes and listen to what we have to say.

Homework 9/8th

From what I read the education narrative genre is a category with many different insists. Reading the short story’s It had something to do with the education narrative but still very different. Different timeline’s, different emotions, outlooks, mindsets, etc. There’s not anything in particular that makes the genre. The topic is what matters. A place that might be good to get started with my own narrative is a time in my past. I feel everyone has a least one story worth talking about that based in the educational narrative. It best to start there because we just started college we don’t really have much  to go by its only been maybe 3 weeks. Not only that we live through the past any situation you would want to talk about, you already experienced from start to finish you would be able to tell your story clearly. I personal have a lot of stories I can tell about about my middle school years and high school years. I attended the same school for middle school and high school I went from the 4th grade to my senior year of high school, almost 10 years. My old school is small there wasn’t more then 300 hundred kids in the building everyone knew everyone. In a way I was grateful for that expression but then again it was still rough. I attended that school since I was 9 and people who knew me for that long would judge me for things when I was a kid. It wasn’t easy I would hear teacher talking badly about me to students or would treat me differently because they already had there opinion set out on me. It made it difficult to be myself and show people that I’ve grown up and changed. It wasn’t easy but I do appreciate the experience it helped mold me to who I am today.

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